Have you ever just been sitting in your bed thinking about the past and reminiscing about the good old memories, just thinking of the good old times with old friends. Well, I have and now looking back I have realized that a lot has changed in my life.
One week I am with one friend group and the next I am with another. I was always one to travel from group to group but always had the original squad that I would always resort back to. However, to the other squads- I want to thank you for making me the person I am today. I want to thank them for making me become the person I want to be. They are the ones that made me become a leader, not a follower.
Yes, as time goes on you realize who your true friends are as I mentioned in many of my other articles but there are many people that are no longer in my life that I am thankful for because they were apart of me becoming the person that I am today.
I can remember one time in middle school I started hanging out with a new group of friends and it was around the time of the winter formal dance. This was the dance that everyone wanted a date for and of course, I, along with many of my other friends did not have a date. Anyway, that is beside the point, but my one friend and I got extremely close during this time because we happened to be in the same class. However, this was also the girl who started trouble and caused us to get lunch detention.
I was always the type of student to be a goody-two-shoes and never break the rules or get in any trouble. I was always the one to be nice to everyone and include everyone. Slowly, as I went through high school and part of middle school I was able to realize who I wanted to become.
Yes, there was time for fun and being a typical stupid teenager but there was also a time where decisions such as going out or studying for a test that would impact my future. Thankfully, my high school career has had a positive impact and led me to the college that I am at today.