I'd cuddle you so hard right now.
I sleep with you every night. You're soft, gentle and you make everything seem OK. You might be there for the hardaches, the days where I want to lounge all day and the days where I'm ready to pass out.
There are no complaints if there is drool, tears or last nights make-up smeared across your face from my laziness when I have to wear make-up.
Thank you pillow. Thank you for the endless nights, the fun and most of all for being there to hold onto at night, to rest my precious head and there to make me safe. I sleep with you every night, take you with me on car rides — if I could bring you everywhere I probably could.
Like Drake said: "You're my right hand, you're my go-to." Literally I want to snuggle you every night and know that you are there for a quick nap. I wish it was mildly appropriate to whip you out anywhere for a quick nap. It's the very definition of heaven. Whether I whisper my deepest secrets, my dreams and desires, I know you'll be there with no judgement.
So thanks for being you, I can't wait to sleep with you tonight.
Your Favorite sleeper