Remember a year ago when we were all just about to graduate from high school? We didn’t know each other then, but I have to believe we were all feeling the same excitements, anxieties and terrors of what was to come. With senior prom just a couple weeks ago and graduation just a couple weeks ahead, we were all thrilled about relieving our "senioritis" and spending our last summer before college with our friends of ten years. As the days of summer came to an end, the nerves set in. Our inner emotions made their way to the surface and I can bet you spent some time crying into your best friend’s arms just like I did when it was time to leave.
Goodbyes were said to friends and family, and then it all became real. How did it come so fast? How were we already packing our clothes, stuffed animals and favorite tie blanket? Within a blink of an eye, we were pulling into the parking lot and unloading the contents of our entire room that somehow managed to fit into one car. Will my roommate recognize me? Will I make any new friends? Shoot, I forgot a toothbrush! We all had the same thoughts running through our minds. Fast forward 365 days later and look how far we’ve come. So, here’s to all of you, for being my number one fans, a shoulder to cry on, "Grey’s Anatomy" Thursday companions, and most importantly, my new forever friends.
I’m going to be completely honest, I had never imagined developing such a strong friendship with all of you based on how the first week at school played out. My roommate and I stayed to ourselves for the most part, which was oddly terrifying considering we had just met but somehow clicked effortlessly. To many of you, we were just the girls at the end of the hall that “didn’t like anyone.” Little did any of us know, we would all be the closest group of strangers that just met nine months ago. As guards began to lower and comfort levels raised, the friendships began to bloom. At first there were several awkward encounters in the bathroom, on-the-edge personal questions and what seemed like endless introductions. It wasn’t our fault, meeting new people and attempting to make new friends can be scary! We were all vulnerable after leaving our home, friends and family for the first time in our lives. I credit all of you, including myself, for abstaining from wallowing away in our rooms.
As the first semester went on, we all became comfortable enough to walk around in our towels, tell someone that their shirt did not match their pants and cry together during movies. The connections being made were now more than just on the surface. They had trust that was gradually earned, like when your kindergarten friend shared her markers with you. When Winter break arrived after a grueling first semester of learning the ropes of college, we were all incredibly excited to go home. I must say, I surprised myself when I felt the impact of distance from all of you over break. How could these friends mean so much to me after meeting them nearly four months ago? The reunion of everyone at the start of second semester brought excitement and joy as we were all back together and ready for a fresh start at school. Speaking for myself, and many of you, second semesters academic difficulty was not comparable to first semester. Classes were harder, had more work-load and took away from social time. Somehow, we all managed to balance school, work, and our social lives (let’s be real, college kids are the real superheroes). Second semester brought a whole new level to our friendship. All of the sudden, I was going across the hall for advice with boys or a shoulder to cry on because of a failed quiz instead of reverting back to the comfort of friends and family at home. Our friendships grew deeper and fonder as we all began to feel safety and comfort in each other. After all, we have seen each other at our best and worst moments during our first year of college.
Saying goodbye to all of you was, hands down, one of the hardest things I have had to do. I know that the goodbye I said to you all was just as hard as the goodbye I said to my friends I’ve known for years before coming to college. At this point in our lives, we are all developing as individuals and finding our place in this world. Therefore, the relationships we make now are much different than those in middle school. We know more about ourselves, our passions, and where we want to go in life. Although those small details are necessities to fill in the gaps, we now have the ability to create deeper, more meaningful relationships with people who share our goals and purposes. Looking back at the first day on my own in a new city and atmosphere, I never would have imagined the friendships I was about to make would be so impactful on my growth as an individual and success during my first year of college.
The friendships I have with the people I met this past year at college cannot be put into words. They are the kind of people I strive to be like, they push me to be the best version of myself and support me in everything I do. I could say “thank you” a million times and that would still not be enough. With the start of a new summer back at home, I already feel the separation anxiety setting in. However, our Cards Against Humanity game nights and Ben & Jerry ice cream runs will pick up right where we left them in just a short three months. So, here’s to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family.