With just a few short days until the inauguration of the 45th, I figured that leaving a thank you note for the President to be, was a good idea. I mean, he's done so much for me, it would be wrong not to, right?
So, thank you President-elect Donald Trump. You've done so much for my life, and you don't even know it. I'm gonna lay out everything you've done for me in the next few short paragraphs!
You've caused me to purge my friends list on Facebook, as well as my friend group in real life. You've caused me to have more pride in my race and who I am than ever before in my life. You've caused me, and probably lots of other people, to see the racism that we've been taught doesn't exist, for so long.
You made me get educated on politics, #BlackLivesMatter, and black history more than ever before. You made me look further into the motives behind what people say, and how they act. You made me speculate and inquire about the philosophy of race, and skin color, and partially devote my time in college, to learning about ethics.
You showed me what people really don't give a crap about what happens to me, or people like me. You showed me that even though "conservatives" (if we can even call you one at that), claim they care about human life, they still plan to defund Planned Parenthood due to the small percentage of the organization that is devoted to providing abortions. You showed me that providing health care for women, contraceptives, STD testing, and a load of other crucial healthcare procedures aren't important to you.
So, thank you, Donald Trump. You've shown me so much and changed my life.