Friendships are neat. It’s a weird thing when you just pick a random human and over time become so close with them. You start doing everything together without really even realizing it. Your actions and thoughts through daily life become so similar, but it's only when other people point them out that you even realize it. While you’re your own person, you start to become the same person as your best friend and it’s kind of weird if you think about it. But the best part of having a best friend, or friends, is that they are there for whatever and whenever you need them. So, here are a few thank yous, just for you:
Thank you for putting up with me when I rant about literally everything.
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Thank you for ranting with me.
Thank you for telling me I’m being excessive and should probably chill the nicest way possible.
Thank you for laughing with me.
Thank you for crying with me.
Thank you for putting some logic behind life’s confusions.
Thank you for listening to all the sad Taylor Swift songs with me.
And jamming out to all the rest of her albums.
Thank you for reminding me that I have lots of cool things to achieve.
Thank you for supporting all my weird interests.
Thank you for letting me have seven different life plan ideas, and telling me that each one is a possibility.
Thank you for pushing me to try new things and experiences.
Thank you for drinking lots of wine with me.
Thank you for eating all the snacks possible with me.
Thank you for binge watching dramatic Netflix shows.
Thank you for eating unhealthy amounts of mac-n-cheese with me.
Thank you for supporting my coffee addiction.
Thank you for being an old lady and asking me what the hip lingo is.
Thank you for never, ever judging me.
Thank you for being easy going.
Thank you for being down for any adventure–but making sure we don’t die in the process.
Thank you for being my wing woman when need be.
Thank you for being a nerd and reading books with me.
Thank you for learning to cook with me and trying not to burn down our apartment in the process.
Thank you for supporting me.
Thank you for telling me that I’m not failing at life, even when I feel like I am.
Thank you for showing me that I am worth it, when other people seem to show me otherwise.
Thank you for reminding me that a boy is not the only thing that proves my worth.
Thank you for always having a positive attitude when its hard to find the silver lining .
Thank you for taking care of me.
Best friends are the coolest things to have, especially when you have a few different ones in different places. I think it's so important to have that one person you can run to when life is falling apart and when it's the best day ever to laugh with. Knowing that you won’t judge me and you will support me makes life good and happy, even when it might not be. And just know that all these things I’m thanking you for doing for me, I strive to do for you. You’re the best and I love you.