Do you remember when your friends would tell you how your mom was so cool and awesome and you would just smirk and say something like "haha I guess, she's crazy". But as you get older you really realize how cool your mom actually is. Your mom is your hero, your doctor, personal assistant, life therapist, photographer, best friend, and the list goes on. What would this world be without mommas? Yes, sometimes they get to be too much but it is honestly only because they love us so much. So as soon as you can, go and thank your mom.
First off, thank you momma for having and taking care of me. Thank you for raising me the right way and teaching me manners. Thanks for teaching me so many things, from the basic nursery rhymes to what I am learning today. If you wouldn't have taught me all of the basic things I'd be lost. I need to start saying thank you more often because I don't say it enough. Thank you for being selfless. Since I was born you haven't stopped loving me or giving me your full attention, that is such a blessing, thanks for that.
Thanks momma for braiding my hair and scratching my back until I fall asleep. Thank you for washing my hair in the sink and taking care of me when I'm sick. Thank you for waking me up for school even though I was super grumpy. Thanks for letting me snuggle or sleep in your bed if dad was out of town. Thanks momma for putting up with me, especially through those sassy junior high years. Thank you for singing and dancing with me in the kitchen, cooking my favorite meals and encouraging me to try new things and being there for me if they didn't work out.
Now as I get older, I still appreciate you and now even more. Thank you for being my friend when I sometimes feel like I have none. Thank you for always telling me I look cute even if I feel ugly that day. But also thanks for being honest with me when it comes to outfits and buying clothes. Thank you for making sure I made it to all my practices on time and bringing me literally everywhere until I could drive myself. Thanks for being my #1 cheerleader and taking the time to listen to me vent. Thanks mom for not letting me get away with anything, even though I wasn't a fan of being grounded, it helped in the long run. Thank you for protecting me and standing up for me. And thank you mom for knowing me better than I know myself.
No on can replace you, no one comes close. You love me more than anyone ever could. So this is a big thank you, but I will still try to thank you more often for everything that you do. Thanks momma for making me feel important and being so strong, someone truly to look up too.
I love you.