Thank you, Mom, for being so gracious and loving.
I'd like to say that you have been blessed to be the mother of the best child ever, but that simply is not true. I should be saying that I'm blessed to have been chosen to be your child. I know I don't say thank you enough for everything you do for me, but I want you to know that even though I don't say it, I am forever grateful. I realize that you have dedicated the last 20 years of your life to take care of me. You no longer made decisions based on what you wanted, but based on your children. I read stories about mothers who abandon their children and don't want them, but you could never be that selfish. You are selfless in my eyes. You put others before yourself, you aspire to Christ-like and you are the best you that you could ever be.
You tell me stories all the time of all the things I was into as a child and how rambunctious I was and how you thought if I was alive at the end of the day that you were doing good. Well, if I do say so myself, I think you've done a great job, then and now. I'm 20 now and I still depend on your advice whether you think I do or not. I value your opinion more than anyone I know, because after all, you do know me better than anyone. Sure, I've had girl friends who know a different side of me than you know, but you are still the one person I know that I can vent to, tell secrets to and not have to worry about it getting spread down the grapevine.
Mom, I'm selfish to depend on you to do everything for me. I know that I should do more for you than I do and I'm being serious. I know you can't sit around in a messy house and that you feel you should be doing something, but I'd appreciate it if you would just take a break and have a "you day." By that I mean a day where you do absolutely nothing, whether that be going out with friends or just watching TV. You deserve not just a "you day" but you deserve the world.
I wish I could thank you for every single thing you have ever done for me, from changing my diapers, to holding my hair when I'm sick, to taking me to the hospital, to waiting for me at basketball and volleyball practices, to praying with me at church. I could go on and on about all the things you do for me that I'm grateful for. Most of all, Mom, I am grateful for you. You are everything I aspire to be. I know I joke about being your twin, but I wish I was because that would mean that I'm beautiful, intelligent and strong. You are the strongest person I've ever known. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever known. You are the most intelligent woman I've ever known. You are the best mother I could've ever prayed for.
Thank you, Mom. I love you with my entire heart and I thank God for you every single day!