Just two little words, thank you, that are so underused but could mean so much. We can say it to strangers that open the door for us, friends that are there to comfort us, teachers that help us learn, and so many other people in the world. But we forget to say it to the two most important people in our lives that have always been there to comfort us, as friends. Open the door for us, like strangers. They taught us how to walk and watched us grow up. But, we neglect to say these two little words to our parents.
Our parents have done so much for us whether we admit it or not. I, personally, have no trouble admitting that my parents go above and beyond to provide for me and make sure that I have everything that I ever want and need. So, I am here to say thank you to them so they know how much they are appreciated.
Thank you mom and dad for raising me the way you did. When I was younger I didn't truly realize how much you guys actually did for me. I acted like a brat, when I sometimes didn't get what I wanted or didn't get to do whatever, whenever. I want to say thank you for putting up with my temper tantrums, teaching me right from wrong, giving me everything I need and mostly everything I want. For all those late nights you stayed up worrying about me and those days we talked about my future that made you upset..THANK YOU.
For letting me go away to college and helping me pay for it. For taking care of my rent, utilities and food because I'm not quite ready to be a full adult, yet. But for believing in me when times get rough and knowing that I can accomplish anything I want in this world when I put my mind to it. THANK YOU.
You just spent almost a full week packing, unpacking and moving in your kids. You drove eight hours to help my sister where you spent a couple days moving her into her new apartment. Then you drove 4 hours from there to help me move out of my old house and move into the new one. Then had to drive 6 hours back home. You bought us groceries, dishes, cleaning supplies, curtains, and everything we needed for the new house. You took us out to lunch, dinner, bought desert. Not to mention you had to rent a U-Haul to move everything back and forth. You didn't have to do any of this. You did it to help us and because you love us.
For this past week, everyday before and all the days to come, thank you. Thank you for everything you do, did, and will do for me. I love you guys more than you know and appreciate everything. I know you might not hear it enough because I might not say it enough but I am so grateful and lucky to have such amazing parents. Honestly, thank you so much for all that you do. I love you.