About two years ago is when I started this crazy Florida journey, all thanks to the life changing experience known as the Disney College Program. If you were to tell me two years ago that I would pack my bags, work for one of the greatest companies in the world and never return I would have laughed directly in your face.
I always thought that me getting accepted into the DCP wasn’t possible, so many people apply for it, so many people dream of it, I just didn’t think that I would get the chance to become one of them. Now, because of the Disney College Program, I am a completely changed person and I’ve truly learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of doing; things that I wouldn’t have thought were possible two years ago.
At first when it all started, I thought that this was just going to be a temporary experience, like all good things it will eventually come to an end and I would have to return back to reality. The longer that I stayed in Florida the more I came to the realization that this IS my reality and that I truly do belong here. Two years later, I’m a part time cast member at Disney Springs and I still could not be happier with my life, despite all the choices and sacrifices I made to get here.
I think one of the hardest things about this entire situation is that I had to leave behind my family, and my best friend. I really don’t think I can even thank them enough for constantly being supportive of me and encouraging me to follow my dreams, but of course like most people they had their doubts about my choices.
One of the questions that I frequently get is, “what made you come down to Florida?” And my answer to that question is always different because I always have so many reasons as to why I’m here. Of course, I started out on the DCP but unlike most people, I didn’t go home after my program ended. I personally feel like Disney has too much to offer and I didn’t want to miss out on a single thing, I simply felt that my time here was not finished.
I have never been more proud to brag about something in my entire life. I just love the feeling of telling people that I work for Walt Disney World because I see their eyes light up then come in all of the questions that they ask about what I do and what made me choose to stay down here and if it was all really worth it. The answer to that last question is yes it is most definitely worth it. I may not make a lot of money and I may struggle at times but I still get to do most things that not many people get to do, and you know what? It’s okay!
I’m proud to say that my boss is a mouse. I’m proud to say that when I get bored I can just go to Magic Kingdom and watch the fireworks. I’m proud that I can eat as many corn dog nuggets as I want to. I’m proud of myself for making Disney World my reality. I’m proud to call this place home.