Your best friend. No, I don't mean the person who will be your bridesmaid at your wedding, I mean your dog. Man'sbest friend. As an owner, We can never thank our goofy pals for the endless amounts of love they give us. Even if we shoo them away after a long day of school, or yell at them for sneaking into your room for stealing your socks and underwear, they're the one who will still be trying to jump up on your lap (even if they weigh 100 pounds) and show their affection. Dogs are one of the most under-appreciated pets because of the fact they care more about their owners than they care about themselves.
Personally, My dog is one of the dumbest dogs out there. He will run into walls, trip over his two front feet, and deal with endless amounts of hearing "Barney! What the hell do you think you're doing??" Don't get me wrong, I've had dogs since I was born and without them in my life, my life would definitely not be as happy. My goofball of a dog with a shaking head at all times, has managed to put a smile on my face just by simply handing me a stuffed chew toy of his, wanting me to run after him with it or waited for 2 hours just to watch me walk off the bus and ensure I was safe in the house.
Us humans are definitely not grateful enough for our pets, nor do we even deserve the amounts of love a dog will give us, but luckily we are granted the ability to keep them as pets. Thank you to all of the dogs, who have ran to us, knocked us over, and attacked us with kisses. We sure don't deserve you, but we sure need you.