Growing up as the daughter of a logger, I was taught at a young age what it means to manage the forest. Lucky for us, in Montana we have a sort of endless forest right in our backyards; for most of us, anyways. As I grow older, I realize how many people are out there that are against logging. Too many think logging is a harsh word. The first thing they think of is killing trees and cutting vast quantities of our land. It makes me sad when people immediately jump to conclusions when the topic of logging comes up. We really shouldn’t even call it logging: it is forest management.
We (as in loggers) clear out the dead trees, reduce bug infestation, and thin out the forests that are too dense. In doing this, we create a habitat for animals to live and thrive. We save forests from burning to the ground and leaving nothing but black behind. We create jobs for not only loggers but truck drivers, mill workers, lumber companies and many more. Recently the logging business has gone downhill in Montana and a lot of that credit can be given to environmentalists. That is even a harsh word. I consider myself an environmentalist but only because I love the environment: being able to hunt, hike, fish, camp, etc. I also believe in managing our forests.
For the extreme environmentalists who are totally against forest management, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You aren’t wanting to protect our environment, you are the ones who are killing it. You don’t like loggers? So I guess you just want beetles to take over and kill every tree out there? Then we have no paper products and can use plastic. That’s contradicting what you say you stand for on so many levels.
What many of you don’t realize is that loggers have strict codes they have to follow. They don’t clear cut, this isn’t the 1800s anymore, and we have technology and know how to log. Loggers have to keep machines a certain distance from all forms of rivers and streams because we don’t want to damage the water quality. After the job is complete, loggers have to go back in and plant grass to help the habitat. We can only cut down certain trees and if there is an animal, like an eagle that has a nest, that tree remains intact. Loggers do more for the environment than any environmentalist could ever do.
As many of you know Hamilton, Montana, is on fire. Many homes have burned to the ground. One dead and countless evacuated. Do you think a fire would be that bad if loggers had been allowed to manage that forest? If the trees weren’t so dense, the fire wouldn’t burn as hot. So thank you environmentalists for putting loggers out of business so our state could burn. Now, I’m not saying every environmentalist is like this, but too many are and it needs to change. Their ignorance for logging is unacceptable and forest management needs to be taught in every school. Loggers help this beautiful state and they should be appreciated a little more. So next time you see a hard working logger at the store or passing by, give them a thank you. They are the real heroes that are trying to save our land.
Thank you to all the loggers out there!