First of all, congratulations on getting into nursing school because the courses that I'm taking now that I know you also had to take are very hard and time consuming. It takes a special kind of person and a special kind of passion to do what you are doing. That being said, I know that you probably feel like a zombie but to us lower division nursing students you look like a superhero.
Without further ado, thank you. Thank you for being a role model. Every time I see an upper division student walking around in crimson scrubs and white shoes I feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and nervousness. Every time I see you I am reminded of how hard I need to work to turn my passion into a reality, just like you did. You give me the courage to face organic chemistry and microbiology and all the hard classes because you persevered through the hard classes and everything life has to through at you in between and you made it to nursing school.
Thank you for being such an encouragement. Organizations such as Nurses Christian Fellowship, the Association of Nursing Students, and Capstone College of Nursing Ambassadors give me a way to connect with upper division students and see what nursing school is really like. All of this makes me insanely excited to get to the point in my life where I can complain about how gross I feel and how Im worried about an upcoming test because when I look at the upper division nursing students I see individuals that love what they do and who they do it with. I see the strong bonds you form with your clinical groups and the laughs and high fives you exchange when you received your test scores and I can't wait for that to be my life.
And lastly, thank you for being a leader. Thank you for doing all you can to include us lower division nursing students, I promise your efforts are acknowledged and very much appreciated. Nursing is a very time consuming major and for you to make the time out of your day to ease some anxiety from lower division students applying for upper division when you can't even ease your own worries, means the world. I hope I become a nurse like you.