As redundant as it may sound, before I started college, I did not think I would end up in a sorority. I specifically remember the last week of my senior year of high school. I was talking to one of my friends, who was eager to start her Freshman year of college and learn more her school's Greek life. When she asked me if I was going to look more into Greek life at Montclair State University, I admittedly shook my head no and said, "I don't think so. That's not me."
A few months went by and my friend received a bid from her dream sorority and she looked so genuinely happy to be surrounded by her sisters. Her experience made me become more interested in learning about Greek life. But because of the generic stereotypes of sororities that we've all heard, I was skeptical about finding a sorority that would see past my Hijab until I met the most unique and beautiful group of women, otherwise known as the ladies of Phi Sigma Sigma's Epsilon Theta chapter.
The first and most important thing that stood out to me was the diversity amongst these women. I walked out of the first night of recruitment and was able to remember so many of the sisters' names and all the conversations that I had. I learned that very night that Phi Sigma Sigma was the first nonsectarian sorority that allowed membership to woman of all faiths and backgrounds, and that was the moment I knew I wanted to be a part of this unique sisterhood. Now that I have been a sister for almost a year, I've learned that we all come from different places and have different lifestyles, but at the end of the day, we all love and respect each other.
I cannot express my gratitude for what Phi Sigma Sigma has brought into my life. I have gained the most amazing support system that showed me how we are all individually unique, but together complete. Being a part of this sisterhood completely made me see the other side of Greek life that is not shown in movies and media, and it's allowed me to create friendships with other amazing sororities as well. You all showed me that a sorority isn't about fitting the mold of a certain type of individual, but a group of women who share the same values and ideals, open-mindedness, and love for each other and their community.
So, to the ladies of the Epsilon Theta Chapter; thank you for giving me the opportunity to become the woman I wanted to be. Thank you for motivating me, for inspiring me, and for teaching me what it really means to be part of a truly wonderful sisterhood. Once a Phi Sigma Sigma, always a Phi Sigma Sigma.