You broke my heart and I'm crushed. I feel like my heart was shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't move. Food hadn't seemed necessary and sunlight seemed pointless. The couch was my best friend and Netflix was a new lover. The floor was the best place to cry even when my eyes were completely dried up. I was hurting so much, probably more than I ever have with any other guy, but somehow I still don't hate you. I don't think I ever could.
Thank you for breaking my heart and letting me see the real you. I was so blinded by loving you that I couldn't see the real hurt you were feeling. I put you up on a pedestal and made you my everything. I wanted to do whatever I could for you and put my own needs aside. I don't think you ever knew that. I would have done anything for you, and in all honesty, probably still would. I thought the world of you and still do. I ignored my feelings when there was a thought I couldn't shake. I never knew what it was and I put the blame on my own mind. "It's all in my mind." That's what I would tell myself regularly. And a lot of it was. I did turn things into problems that really weren't there in the first place. I was scared of loving someone that much but I couldn't let you see that. I had to play it cool, but that didn't always work.
Thank you for breaking my heart and letting me see the real us. Despite my best judgment and the advice I have been given from friends and family, I haven't let you go. I don't want to. I wasn't ready to say goodbye and I'm still not. It's weird to look back on our relationship because honestly, I don't know if we were ever completely true to ourselves. I know I wasn't at times. We were so excited to be in a new relationship that most of our texting consisted of telling each other how special one another is and how happy we were. That's great to hear, but not on a daily basis. We didn't know each other very well and didn't connect like we could have. I thought everything was perfect and we were going to be together for a long time. You made me believe we would.
Thank you for letting me love you. I thought I was going to be alone for a long time until I met you. You showed me that I could love someone and care for someone the way I care about you. You made me feel more beautiful than I ever had before and I still feel that way. It was a pleasure to hold your hand and call you mine. I wanted to tell you everything about me and I wanted you to do the same. I could trust you with everything, even the ugly. I didn't feel the need to impress you or try to be someone I wasn't. I just wanted you to love me for the exact way that I am. Maybe you just weren't ready for me yet. The time I got to spend calling you mine was something I will never forget. I don't know if we get a second chance, but I hope we do. I may be naïve or silly for thinking that, but I don't believe our time was up when you said it was. I hope we get the do-over we deserve and actually do it right this time. And if it doesn't happen, you will always be in my heart.