For those who truly know me, they know that my love for Walt Disney World is indescribable. I was practically raised on all of the Disney VHS tapes. I watched those tapes for hours and would rewind them over and over until the videos would become so fuzzy that it was difficult to tell what Disney princess was even on the screen.
Any time I’m in Orlando visiting family and friends, I always make it a point to go to Magic Kingdom at least once.
To some, the park is nothing more than a simple tourist attraction. However, to me, my love for Disney is so much deeper than that.
Growing up with divorced parents was tough on me as a child. I always found it difficult to leave my mother, especially for long periods of time. The transitions between houses left me feeling lonely. It wasn’t until I fell in love with Disney movies that I realized I don’t have to be alone anymore. The movies gave me a sense of stability and comfort. No matter what house I was at, or whichever parent I was longing for, I knew I could always escape through the classic tapes and feel comforted by the familiar songs and storylines.
At this point, I know what you’re probably thinking. This is just a story about a cliché, basic girl explaining her love for Disney and how it’s changed her life in ways unimaginable.
Well, yes, you’re absolutely right. In many, many aspects, Disney has changed my life for the better, but it’s only because I’ve allowed it to.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve faced many shrewd people, overcome plenty of difficult obstacles, and even defeated Jafar in an epic magical battle…oh wait, just kidding, that was Aladdin.
All jokes aside, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios have all truly become a second home to me. It’s the one place I can go where I feel safe. I don’t feel like I have to be anybody except my weird, goofy, outgoing self.
It’s also the one place where my anxiety and depression don’t affect me. When I travel to those parks, I’m mentally able to let go of almost every anxious fear, depressing thought, and any unhappiness that has seeped into my body. Maybe I’m able to let it go because Disney really is “the happiest place on earth,” but in my opinion, it’s because I’m able to be whatever I want without any judgment. I don’t have to conform to the way society believes I should think, look, talk, dress, etc.
Thank you to the cast members, princesses, Mickey Mouse, and everyone else there that accepts me for my flaws and imperfections. Thank you for giving me the heartfelt reminder that despite what anyone says, I can do and be whatever I want. My time here on this Earth is limited and, as corny as it is, this is a place that makes me extremely happy and it will always hold a special place in my heart.
In the end, Disney has saved me from nights full of misery and has lifted me up high above the clouds so I could realize my full potential. Disney has taught me to never give up on fighting for my happiness, even when the world is gray and things seem bleak.
So here’s my final thank you to Walt Disney World, for as long as I live, I will always love you and, most importantly, I will continue to believe that laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.