Dear My Other Half,
Throughout the time we’ve known each other so much in our lives have changed. Through the good and the bad, you’ve had my back and always been there. You’ve taught me how to love myself and have helped shape me into the person I am today and I want to thank you for that.
Thank you for never giving up on me. Through the endless boy drama to overcoming crippling anxiety you’ve always been there and supported me. You’ve always been my go to the person with issues and are always the person I’m most excited to tell the good news too. You’re a constant positive light and outlet in my life and I endlessly am grateful for that.
Thank you for teaching me to love myself. Whether my insecurity was about the shirt I was wearing or how I thought others perceived me you’ve always taught me that it matters how I see myself, not others. You’re a constant loving and accepting force in my life. You always help to remind me to practice self-love and remind me that self-worth isn’t based on of size, but the contents of my personality.
Thank you for being you. You truly are the brightest, most accepting, funniest, and most courageous person I know. You’re ability to overcome the things you’ve been through and persevere through them is truly admirable. You’re absolutely beautiful and your ability to relate to others on such a genuine level is a trait I will always envy. Everyone you meet loves you and there's no need to wonder why.
Thank you for always being honest. When I come to you to ask advice or opinions you’re always honest, even if you’re not telling me what I want to hear. You’re insight and your ability to view things from obscure angles is something I greatly value in you. You’re always willing to give yourself to help others and will give them all you can. Your honesty is always refreshing and keeps me in line. There's no one else that I know that can look me in my eyes and tell me I’m being an idiot in the most loving way possible.
Thank you for always making me smile. Even when I’m mad or depressed you can always make me laugh and have never failed to cheer me up. You have an amazing ability to acknowledge issues and work through them with me but also refuse to let me dwell in them. I always appreciate the way you help me and are always my shoulder to cry on.
Thank you for leading by example. Whether that means being the one to initiate conversation with new people or loving yourself to encourage me and others to love themselves you’ve always been a role model to me. You always hold yourself to be the most ethical person you can be and that sets a great prescient for those you allow into your life. You’ve always been an inspirational person who has set a good example and doesn’t hesitate to call out those you feel aren’t.
Most importantly, thank you for being my best friend. Through distance, months of not being able to talk, stupid fights, boys, people thinking were dating (we practically are), nights crying and nights laughing till the sunrises you’ve always been the person by my side and you’ll always be the person by my side. We’ve gone from being separated for months to having separation anxiety after three days apart. You’re the only person I know has my back one hundred percent and I’m forever grateful for that. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and thank you for all I know you’ll continue to do. Never doubt that I love you and am eternally grateful for your presence in my life.
Your other half.