Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I know I don't have to thank you for loving our child but still thank you from the bottom of my heart. We were young, really young, too young but stepping up, especially for a guy, is rare, so I'd like to give you a little praise. We didn't do it 'the right way' but we do the best we can with what he have and I wouldn't change a thing.
You didn't have to, I mean you did but then again you didn't. There are days when I really don't like you and Vice Versa but at the end of the day, I am still raising half of you. I'm raising a 5-year-old who thinks that his daddy put the stars in the sky and his mommy made them shine and for that, I couldn't thank you enough.
You're doing the best you can (and that is more than enough). We have a unique situation but we made the absolute best out of what we have and I am so grateful for that. You help me facilitate a circle of respect and our child is well aware of that. We argue, we fight and we really disagree but when all is said and done, I'm so thankful to co-parent with you. We are by no means perfect (or remotely close) but I thank God (and you) that we aren't because how unrealistic is that.
Thank you for working so hard for our child. I realize that it's extremely hard when you don't see him often, especially since you think your day to day work goes unnoticed and unappreciated, but how wrong you are. Our son and I speak often of your hard work and I pray that he works harder than we ever do but what a good model he has to refer to.
Thank you for your grace. I never thought that I would be writing this letter, much less thanking you for this one thing in particular but I must. I fail often as a mother and a co-parent but you never let me believe for one second that I am any less of a great mother because of those failures. Your grace and support helped me become the awesome (if I don't say so myself) mom that I am today!
Thank you for crushing statistics with me (we never liked that subject anyways). We weren't 'supposed' to amount to much, we weren't 'supposed' to be happy and we weren't 'supposed' to be great parents but like I said we always hated math anyways so take that stats!!
Thank you for never allowing our son to believe that he is already at a loss because his parents aren't married. Thank you for being on the same team as me and thank you for learning and growing with me in this parenting thing that no one has the answers to. It takes a village and I am convinced that we have the best village out there, so thank you for helping me create and uphold it.
"The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other." - Jane Blaustone
Love Always,
Your Thankful Co-Parenting Partner