A Thank You Letter to the Chicago Cubs | The Odyssey Online
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A Thank You Letter to the Chicago Cubs

You're more than just a baseball team.

A Thank You Letter to the Chicago Cubs
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To the Chicago Cubs,

Thank you. That's simply all I have to say, but I'll say more because I can't actually say anything that concisely.

Thank you for always giving me something to believe in. I have been a Cubs fan ever since I can remember, and quite honestly, I only picked the Cubs because I thought that a team called the Sox had to be stinky and that little bear cubs were cute (Give me a break, I was 5). But that decision was actually one of the greatest things I've ever done. From that moment on, I always had something to have faith in. Being a Cubs fan has taught me to always believe even when it seemed like there was no point in believing. I have learned to have unyielding optimism that my team can win, and up until the 2015 season, that optimism was mostly unfounded. So I want to thank the Chicago Cubs for teaching me the power of faith.

Thank you for making me superstitious. Some people may think of this as a negative quality, but I choose to turn it into a positive. My superstitions about goats or fans with headphones on (here's to you Steve Bartman), have actually made me more cautious and aware of my words and actions. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not taking any chances any time soon.

Thank you for giving me patience. I may not be the oldest living Cubs fan, but any Cubs fan who has been around for a bit has to have patience. It would be impossible for me to be a fan of the team that hasn't won a World Series in 108 years without having some sort of capacity for waiting.

Thank you for making me a better person. Being a fan of the Cubs tends to lead to some criticism, especially when you live in the south Chicago suburbs. Sometimes these criticisms come from our belief that there is always next year, but we don't care what others say because the Cubbies are our team and no one can bring us down. And if our Cubbies weren't doing well, we were more adaptable to being happy for other teams' success. All of these things translate into being generally more able to handle opposition. I am also more grateful for when things are going well and far more excited, too. Being a Cubs fan gives me strength and tolerance, so thank you for that.

Thank you for last season and this season in particular. This has been the most electric two years on the North Side, even for those of us on the South Side. This season and last season have been a wild ride and given more hope for the most loyal sports fans in the world. The whole city seems to have kicked it up four notches and overall looks a little more blue... no, not blue as in sad—Cubbie blue. You have brought all of the fans of this club closer than we've ever been. Thank you for giving us some truly unforgettable moments, I can't wait to experience more of them.

Thank you, Chicago Cubs, for being the best team any baseball fan could ask for.

#LetsGo #FlyTheW

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