Freshman year of college is full of "out with the old, and in with the new." Your first college party and your first time away from home. But those "firsts" come with a lot of slightly terrifying challenges, unexpected surprises, and many unforgettable memories. Although the freedom of freshman year was fun-filled and liberating, it definitely does in fact get better.
Sophomore year has absolutely, hands-down, been the best year of my life. Not because I haven't struggled or experienced loss (I definitely have), and not because I have it all figured out (HA, I definitely don't), but rather because as this year comes to an end, I'm one step closer to exactly where I want to be.
Sophomore year, thank you for a roller coaster well worth the ride.
Thank you for teaching me that not everyone you lose is a loss. It's never an easy task to let go of the people in our life who matter to us. But, in order to make room for new experiences - we must. Thank you for showing me that despite the circumstances, sticking with the wrong people, won't do you any good. Thank you for making me realize that the people who want what's best for you, are in fact what's best for you. For reminding me that sometimes, alone time is good time.
Thank you for aiding me to find motivation and inspiration in those around me. For showing me that it's a cliche, because it is true. Helping others does in fact help you more than anyone. Thank you for reminding me that the little things, are really the big things.
Thank you for forcing me to love myself. For it is impossible to succeed in anything as your own enemy or critic. Thank you for letting me take time for myself to realize that there will always be someone better than you. In fact, the only thing you can actually be best at, is developing your own self.
Thank you for forcing me to step outside of my comfort zone and make decisions that others may have disagreed with. Thank you for teaching me how to use my inexperience as an asset. Change is scary and sometimes difficult, but more times than not, it's incredibly rewarding. Thank you for reminding me that nothing worth having comes easy, and anything worth having is worth fighting for.
Thank you for important lessons that have come to be blessings in disguise. Thank you for changes for the better, and memories that I will cherish for many years to come. Thank you the perfect mix of too young and too old. Thank you for preparing me for what comes next.
Here's to Junior Year. Third time's the charm, right?