Dear MJYG,
The final chapter of my high school career has finally come to a close. I cannot officially move on until I express to all of you how thankful I am for each and everyone of you. You have all impacted me so greatly. I have gone to church my whole life but have never joined the youth group. I was always really shy and was terrified of meeting new people. One day a girl from school had no idea I went to church with her and she invited to me to come join the youth group. I was incredibly nervous and was terrified of meeting all of these new people. Wednesday night came and I walked in the building. What happened next was something I did not expect at all. I was surrounded by a bunch of people who were asking me my name and where I go to school etc. I instantly knew that I belonged here and that these people would become my second family. So thank you MJYG.
Thank you for making me feel welcome when I first came. Thank you for not noticing that I was there and taking your time to introduce yourself to me. Thank you for introducing me to other people who I later would learn would also become some of my best friends.
Thank you for all the memories. Thank you for giving me some of the most precious memories I can always cherish with me forever. Thank you for all the laughs and late night discussions. Thank you for all the group devotionals. Thank you for all the fun events. Thank you for discovering me my love for Chick-Fil-A. Thank you for countless after Wednesday and Sunday night adventures. Thank you for the retreats. Thank you for making me feel at home even when I miss it.
Thank you for showing me God. Even though I already knew He was since I was little, thank you for showing me who he really was. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone in this world. Thank you for leading to the right path in life. Thank you for helping me become a leader. Thank you for leading me away from temptation. Thank you for helping me realize who my true friends are. Thank you for being my shoulders to cry on when I needed one.
Thank you for accepting. Thank you for accepting all of my flaws. Thank you for making me realize that it is okay to not be like everyone else. Thank you for letting me be me.
You have been a huge blessing MJYG. I do not think I could ever thank you all enough. You will all be in a special place in my heart. Just because I am no longer in the youth group doesn't mean I am gone. I am still here, and I am not going anywhere. I love you all so much.