My sweet suite-mates,
Thank you for being the ones to welcome me to a new school when I was the most terrified human being in the world. The first time I met you, you were so excited, I remember it was hugs all around and even though one of you did not have a voice because you were just getting over a cold, you still tried your best to make sure I knew that I was welcome. I was terrified to meet all three of you because it was like a new start to me, and we know how terrifying new starts can be, but you made me feel right at home.
That being said, thank you for understanding my fear, and being able to help me adjust. I came to this new school in the middle of the school year; I definitely thought that you guys would see me as some sort of a replacement, and not welcome me as well as you did. As the semester progressed, we warmed up to each other very quickly, so with that, thank you for being the ones that I was soon able to turn to for everything, whether it be girl talk, gossip, boy drama, or school-related troubles. We are all involved with so many different things on campus that there is always something to talk about.
I loved how we would stay up for an extra hour, without even noticing because we were caught up in a vent session; even though it may mean that we were much more tired in the morning. As exam season approached and stress levels were through the roof for all of us, our room was definitely not the cleanest it had ever been. So, thank you for not getting mad when there were days that I was not the tidiest person ever. I know that there were times when I left my stinky socks sitting around and y'all just walked right on by without even making a face!
That out of all things is what proved to me that we were all meant to be suite-mates. I love how comfortable we all became, and how willing we were to share whatever it was the other person needed; I have to thank you for letting me borrow a tampon, and by borrow, I mean I'm NOT returning that. Thank you for letting me borrow your shoes if I needed that perfect pair to go under my dress for date-night, and thank you for telling me straight up that the way my hair looked was not the way to go if I was planning on impressing anyone.
I want all three of you to know how much you all mean to me, and how much of a difference you made in my experience at this new school. You taught me that no man deserves me at my Khloe K. if he cannot accept me at my 2007 Brittney. You brought light to my life and made me feel at home away from home.
Thank you for absolutely everything,
I love you guys!