Home is where the heart is, and for me, that’s my small town community right in the heart of the Midwest. My small town upbringing has made me who I am, a generous, independent, and hardworking individual. I didn’t realize how much I loved my small Iowa town until I went to college, but looking back, I was so blessed to grow up in a small, tight-knit community. Growing up, I loved going to our small town events that got almost everyone in town out and about, I loved trick or treating because I was pretty much able to go to all the houses to get candy, and I loved Christmas when our whole town decorated and we walked in and out of all the shops downtown as we heard Christmas carols and ate treats made by the local business owners. So, thank you to my hometown for providing me countless memories.
Thank you to my small town for giving me more opportunities than most people would ever think possible. Thanks to you, I was able to participate in volleyball, cheer, speech, show choir, color guard, band, and the theater productions. I was able to succeed in school because our teachers and administration cared about my education. And I was able to succeed in the community because there were more than enough opportunities for me to shine and show my personality.
Thank you to my small town for my first job(s). Babysitting was definitely one of the first job opportunities for me as I was growing up, so I took full advantage of this and babysat for multiple families in the area until I graduated from high school. After I graduated high school, I got my first “real” job of working at our small town coffee shop. I loved this job so much because of the atmosphere and the people who came. So again, thank you George for providing me with rich job opportunities.
Thank you to my small town for raising me right. My parents were always there for me, but on the slight chance that something came up, the community was there. Whether something good or bad happened, my community was there to cheer us on. This didn’t go unappreciated, and I am still so thankful to have been raised in a caring, welcoming community where support and love were the first thing offered to those in need.
Thank you to my small town for always believing in me. Some of us had big dreams, and when you come from a small town, sometimes those dreams go overlooked or unnoticed because they are scary. But, I remember telling community members about my dreams, and I got the same response each time, “Go for your dreams!” or “Dream big.” Because of the support and belief in my ability, I have been able to succeed already, and I know more success will follow me in my future!
So thank you small town for helping to make me, me. Thank you for the never-ending support and for believing in your youth no matter what. You will always be home to me, and I could not have asked to have been raised in a better community.