Dear You,
We may not be close anymore, but I know that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if our paths didn’t cross. So I just want to take this chance to say thank you.
Even though we weren’t friends for very long, I want you to know that you meant the world to me. You were there for me during some pivotal highs and some dark lows. Thank you for being the person I wanted to share all my good news with. You were always more excited about my successes than I was. Thank you for remembering the little things about me and more importantly my favorite kind of Ben & Jerry's. Thank you or being there while I cried and over-analyzed every "crisis". Thank you for not pushing things I wasn't ready to talk about and for being so open about your own struggles. Thank you for making me feel like I was important to you.
I’ll never forget when you told me that I’m kind to a fault.You taught me that sometimes I should say no to people, that I should stop doing things that didn’t make me happy, and that I shouldn’t let other people dictate the path of my life. Thank you for teaching me to look out for myself.
I learned a lot from you, you helped me come into my own. You challenged everything I thought I knew with your unique worldview. Thank you for pushing me to be a better person. I look back fondly on our late night conversations and all the times you pushed me to try things I never would have had the confidence to do on my own. Thank you for teaching me how to live outside my comfort zone.
But above all else, thank you for leaving. Thank you for walking away when you realized that we weren’t good for each other anymore, even though I didn’t. Thank you for building up all this trust and then vanishing from my life. At the time, it really hurt. I cried about losing you more than I’d like to admit. For a while I wished I could call you whenever something big happened. A few times I almost did. Like they say, only time can heal a broken heart. And as time passed I eventually got over you. Thank you for making me stronger.
I hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and I want you to know that I’m still routing for you to achieve all the dreams we spent so many hours talking about. I hope to hear about you changing the world like I know you can.
So thanks again. Thank you for helping me grow. I hope I did the same for you too.
Love you more,