Before coming to school, I thought I knew almost everything about what college had to offer: fun memories, bad professors, hilarious experiences, and the hell of final exams. However, I never knew that college could offer me one of the most amazing things: the friend and role model that I found in you.
It has always seemed that resident assistant's had this huge persona surrounding them. They were portrayed as people to avoid, that yelled at you when you were down, and always waited for you to slip up. I can't count the amount of stories I have heard floating around about how peoples RA's have "ruined their life." As a result, I never expected that I would become so close with you. Quite honestly, I thought that living three doors down from you was going to hinder any chance I had at having fun. All I have to say is, I don't think I've ever been so happy to be proven wrong in my entire life.
In a way, you were the first friend that each of us made here at school. You decorated the floor for our arrival, wrote individual welcome notes, and always had a radiant smile to share with each one of us. In fact, a lot of my first conversations with floor mates involved some variation of the question, "So what do you think about the RA?" The answer was always the same: I love her.
I guess it is easier for some people to abandon their preconceived notions, but my stubborn mind gave me no such choice. I truly could not believe that you were as incredible as you seemed. Slowly, however, using your sass and empathetic heart you managed to chip away at my rough exterior and make me into the RA-lover that I am today.
Now, it is absolutely inconceivable to me that five months ago I did not know who you were and that we were not friends. I can't imagine not pulling senseless pranks, hearing you poke fun at me, or stopping by your room on my way to class. It has become second nature and something that, despite what I say, is a happy part of every day.
Everyone claims to have the best RA, whether they mean it or not. Well, I'll tell them they are wrong until the day I die, because I genuinely believe I hit the jackpot when I was placed with you on floor 17. Freshman year can be a tough adjustment and I feel blessed that I had you by my side. I have never met a more considerate, helpful, caring, beautiful, accepting, and strong individual and I know no matter where life takes you that you will succeed. I only hope you will remember the resident who tortured you mercilessly when you're out taking over the world.
I hope this gave you a little insight into how special you are and how much all of floor 17, and especially I, will miss you. You made this place our home and there is nothing I can ever do to repay you. I love you eternally and will miss you endlessly.
Your Pain in the Ass Resident
P.S There it is...