Dear Mom and Dad,
In today’s world, it is common to choose your own happiness over someone else’s, but you two have shown me the boundless nature of parental love. As the new year begins, I’d like to thank you for the myriad of things you have done for me. Thank you for constantly guiding me through tough decisions, supporting me throughout every journey, and giving me the strength and courage to overcome difficulties that I face.
Suffice it to say, I would not be the person that I am today without you. Your advice and work ethic inspire me to achieve my goals. You have allowed me to pursue my interests and continue to do the things that make me happy. You have given me everything because you know what it feels like to have nothing, and I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices that you have made.
When my friends didn’t stick by me, you did. Whenever a boy decided that I wasn’t good enough anymore, you were there to remind me that he didn't deserve me in the first place. You are the only two people who have never given up on me in my darkest hour. You know me better than I know myself because you loved me when I didn’t love myself.
You make me feel safe in a world full of chaos, you make me feel confident in a society driven by ridicule, and you give me a reason to have faith in things much greater than myself. You embody everything that parents should be and more. I couldn’t imagine my life without you, and I look forward to a prosperous 2017 with the two of you by my side.
With Love,