To my handsome boyfriend,
If you looked at a description of us on paper, we would never be matched together. We're so different, and yet I'm so glad it's you I'm with. I'm thankful every day that it's you. So, here's a very condensed list of thank you's.
Thank you for letting me talk.
I know I talk a lot, and I know that sometimes it's really annoying, but I appreciate that you always let me say what I'm thinking, and you're an amazing listener.
Thank you for always making me feel special.
You never make me nervous about other girls. You always make it clear that there's no competition for your attention, and that's so rare in today's day and age
Thank you for being honest with me.
Sometimes I complain when you're too honest with me, but I'm really thankful for that. I'm glad that when you don't like my hair, or you think that I'm not focusing on my work, or you just want me to be quiet for a little while, you're willing to tell me how you feel.
Thank you for making me feel pretty.
You never fail to call me beautiful. I don't think we've gone a single day since we started dating when you didn't call me pretty. It's hard to have self-confidence sometimes, and so I truly appreciate your compliments.
Thank you for doing things you don't want to do because I want to do them.
Thank you for socializing even when you're more of an introvert, thank you for going to philanthropy events and driving to Walmart to buy more goldfish because I have an obsession. Thank you for loving me enough to compromise with me.
Thank you for supporting me in all that I do.
I can't thank you enough for sitting through choir concerts that you have no interest in, or for going to my piano recitals. Thank you for coming to my sorority's events, and for always being there for me.
Thank you for making time for me.
You're super busy, and only getting busier as time goes on, but I appreciate every minute I have with you, and I really notice that you make time for me when I need you, even in the midst of your busy schedule.
Thank you for goofing off with me and making me laugh.
You never fail to make me laugh. Whether it's tying my shoes together in the library, watching funny YouTube videos with me, letting me tickle you, or any number of silly things we do, I love that I can laugh with you. Thanks for letting me be myself, and for letting loose your goofy side with me.
Thank you for being you.
I know sometimes you only see your flaws, but I love you for who you are, and I can't say that enough. I appreciate all you do for me, and for the people around you. I admire how you're able to juggle your schedule, even if you drop a ball every once in a while. You're my best friend, and I'm so glad you're also my boyfriend.
I never thought I would date someone as patient, caring and amazing as you are. Thank you for all you put up with, all you do for me, and all of the memories we've made already. I love you. (You're my favorite one of all the ones.)
Your incredibly lucky girlfriend