I’m not quite sure why I joined a sorority, and I don’t really know what I was expecting to gain from the experience, but never in a million years would I have thought it would lead me to you.
You call me your “mini-me” and it’s true. We’re the same person; even our professors know it. For the most part, have the same interests, opinions, quirks and Starbucks orders (minus the sweetener in your tea). We talk too much, are slightly more judgemental than we should be and don't feel the need to give sh*tty boys the time of day.
I'm sure it goes without saying, but I'm really going to miss you when you graduate. So before you leave, there are a few things I want to thank you for.
Thank you for being the reason I joined Kappa.
After the first day of recruitment, I really thought I was going to drop out. The whole process felt judgemental and fake, and I didn't think it was right for me. After panicking to my (biological) mother on the phone, she made me tell her one highlight of my day. Of course, I told her about the fellow journalism major I met in the Kappa room. Little did I know what our first conversation would lead to.
Thank you for for giving me a Kit Kat.
No, I wasn't smart enough to stalk you on Facebook before I met you in the student center. But as soon as I saw your face, I remembered talking to you during recruitment.
We talked for over an hour that day, and I walked away from that conversation knowing that I wanted you to be my big.
Thank you for ignoring me on the sisterhood retreat.
Thank you for fully submerging me into the sisterhood I so desperately wanted.
You took me under your wing and introduced me to all of your friends. And then your friends introduced me to their littles. Suddenly I was surrounded by a group of friends that I had been so anxious to have since I started college.
Thank you for forcing me to go out once and awhile.
Without you, I don’t know if I would actually have a social life.
But also thank you for also knowing that a family movie night is often times better than going out.
Thank you for long nights of Netflix binges.
I will forever treasure eating Five Guys in my dorm room while people watching out the window before watching whatever movie is on ABC Family or randomly coming over and watching five episodes of
Thank you for never pushing me to do anything you knew I didn’t want to do.
You realized very quickly that you can't force me to do something I absolutely did not want to do, and you are one of the only people in my life who has realized that.
Thank you for letting me rant about how stupid boys are time and time again.
Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear.
“So what? You matched on Tinder. It's just a fact and it's not that big of a deal. Either make something happen or get over it.”
No one else had the guts to say something like that.
Thank you for accepting my love for One Direction + Zayn.
And thank you for letting me talk about how I saw them in the second row any time one of their songs comes on the radio.
Thank you for always getting Canes/Panera/Toppers/Five Guys/Chipotle with me.
Thank you for loving my family just as much as you love me.
Even though they are slightly (AKA totally) insane, they love you just as much, if not more, than they love me. Let’s face it. My brother would have never brought me ice cream if you weren’t there.
Thank you for being the big sister I never had.
Sticky boobs, tanning lotion, honest outfit opinions and more. I’m not really sure how I made it this far in life without you.Thank you for dropping everything and literally running to find me when I needed you the most.
Thank you for trusting me when I brought my little into the family.
I know you were scared that she wouldn't like you or that the three of us wouldn't all get along. But I think it all worked out pretty darn well in the end.
Thank you for being the person in my life who knows everything that is going on.
Boys. Friend drama. Job interviews. School assignments. There are days where I feel like you have a better tab on my life than I do.
Thank you for only rolling your eyes at me some of the time.
Thank you for sharing my love of just about everything.
Thank you for shaping my college experience.
I can't imagine the past year and a half without you. In fact, it's a little difficult to imagine the next two years without you. However, because of you, I have the rest of the family surrounding me.
And you can be darn sure that I am driving to visit you at the first chance I get.
Thank you for everything.
I love you lots.