This week I signed a lease agreement for a new car, a white 2015 Honda CR-V to be exact (my dream car, besides a Range Rover, but let's be real here). I've wanted a new car for a while now and I'm super excited to have finally pulled the trigger, but to be honest it's a bittersweet experience. I got my first car five years ago when I first got my license and it's gonna be a bit weird to say goodbye to it. With that being said, I feel as though I owe quite a big thank you to my first car, a 2002 blue Ford Escape.
Dear Beatriz (don't ask),
Next week I'll drop you off at the dealership where I pick up my new car and after that we'll never see each other again. Not gonna lie, when I first thought of this, the idea made me elated because I love you, but I'm kinda over you. Now, thinking everything over, I must admit it makes me a bit sad. Not only am I letting you go, but I'm letting a little piece of the last five years of my life go as well. Before we part ways, I feel like I need to say thank you.
Thank you for the sense of freedom you gave me.
Although it feels like eons ago, I can still remember the feeling of driving you out of my driveway by myself for the very first time. We headed to the mall and my anxiety was in full force the entire time. But no matter how nervous and on edge I felt driving solo for the first time, the feeling of freedom that came over me was an unforgettable one. You allowed me to live my own life independently from my parents. Not having to depend on them for rides and work my social life around when they could bring me places truly changed the game. At age 16 I was still living at home and attending high school, so my independence was limited, but having you gave me my first glimpse of a self-sufficient life and it felt pretty darn good.
Thank you for the memories.
While sitting in your front seat, my first serious boyfriend asked me to be his girlfriend. While driving you, I sped away from my high school for the very last time. I pulled up inside of you countless times with your trunk filled to the brim to move into the different apartments I lived in during college. I feel like at the time I didn't take these moments very seriously, but looking back now you've provided me with some of the most fundamental memories of my teenage and early adult years. These are moments I will likely remember for the rest of my life and I'll always associate them with you. I can honestly say while driving you around, I've cried (wouldn't suggest it- very hard to see), laughed until I've cried and made memories and friendships that will last forever.
And last but not least, thank you for never dying on me.
Despite your 13 years of age and 125,000 miles, you're still kickin'. And to me, that's a miracle in itself. It's been a long ride and you've definitely had your fair share of mechanic issues that needed fixing (thanks Dad for taking care of these!), but through it all you've never fully sh*t the bed. You did exactly what you needed to do, got me from point A to point B, regardless of where these points may be. I know I've insulted you my fair share of times and joked with my friends about you being a piece of crap, but deep down I do appreciate the fact that you're over a decade old and still alive and well.
I may be counting down the days to trade you in and start a new chapter with this new car, but at the same time I'm fully able to reflect upon all the great years you've been a part of. No one ever forgets their first car and how much it means to them and for that reason you'll always have a little piece of my heart.
Your Faithful (soon to be) Ex-Owner