Dear STAC Professors,
I know many college students probably don’t miss their professors over the summer. In fact, most are probably either not close with their professors at all, or dread when summer is over and classes start again. And although I may not be thrilled about the workload I know you’ll be assigning once the semester starts, I must admit how much I’ve missed you all over the summer.
Being close with my professors is something I was certain I wanted when I applied to colleges. I knew I didn’t want to go to a huge school where I would sit in a room surrounded by masses of students and professors that didn’t even know my name. I refused to be just a number or another face in the crowd. So I decided to go to a small school, where attendance would be taken and a place where I’d have the chance to know the professors personally. Sure, I suppose I could’ve gotten the same thing by going to a bigger school, but that’s simply not the kind of environment where I’d feel comfortable. Now here I am—at a tiny school surrounded a group of professors I love dearly.
For those who’re reading this, I’m a double major in English and creative writing. At my school, these two departments are THE BEST because the professors make it feel like magic. I seriously couldn’t picture myself in any other major at any other college, and I hope they know just how much they mean to me. So before I see them in class next week, I wanted to take a moment to thank them for everything they’ve done for me. And I’m pretty sure they’ll be able to figure out which one is dedicated to them:
To the professor who made me fall in love with my college…
If it wasn’t for you, I’m unsure if I’d even be at STAC right now. Ever since I met you at Student Acceptance Day back when I was merely a shy senior in high school, I knew right then and there that this was the school where I belonged. You made it “click” for me. You told me everything I needed to know about the English department, and you made me feel right at home. Now that I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know you, I look up to you as a role model. From your love of polka-dots to your incredibly sweet demeanor, you are the embodiment of everything I aspire to be like when I’m an adult. Your love for your students shows in everything you say and do, and each class I take with you is always new and exciting. You truly are such an incredible person that I feel blessed to have in my life and the memories I've made in your classes are ones I cherish dearly. I’m so thankful that I get to have a professor who’s as sweet and caring as you! Oh, and your house is just as cute as you are. I'm still over the moon that you invited me to the graduation party!
To the coolest professor I know…
When I first met you, I mistook you for a student! But in all honesty, you are so hip that even though I know now that you’re a professor, you still could pass for a really cool student. Your outfits are always on point, you write incredibly beautiful poetry, and you’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I know I can come to you for anything and you always offer the best guidance and advice. I look forward to every class I’m lucky enough to take with you, such as last year when our cute little creative writing class became like a family unit. That was one of the most rewarding and fun courses I've taken thus far in college! You never fail to give me the greatest ideas and prompt me to be the best version of myself that I can be…and for that, I’m so thankful. Keeping in touch with you over the summer made me so, so happy! You’ve taught me a great deal about poetry and how to reach within myself as I write, and I’m so proud to say I have a professor as wonderful and inspiring as you. I can’t wait for the classes we have to come! (P.S.: I’m looking forward to attending more of your future poetry readings!)
To the professor who isn’t in the English department, but belongs there…
I had you for my psychology 101 class, and that was the only course I got to take with you. But even after the class ended, we made sure to stay in touch with one another! You’re such a ray of sunshine, and having the chance to have chats with you always brings a smile to my face! In the classroom you taught me valuable lessons about how to understand the way people’s minds work (which are lessons I think about everyday as I encounter new people), but outside of the classroom you taught me what it’s like have a professor that’s still like a friend. Plus, and you have the cutest dog in the world! I have no regrets about skipping my philosophy class that one day just so I could sit and play with your dog on the floor in the art gallery. Please bring him on campus more often this year and let me play with him again, okay?
To the professor who’s the most challenging….
You, Sir, have made me question my sanity (but in a good way, I promise). I’ve lost count of the number of hours of sleep I’ve sacrificed for your classes. I’ve become quite accustomed to staying up past 3 A.M. to get my work done. But that’s alright, because I like nighttime best anyway. Despite the fact that I’ve had myself many good cries as I contemplated why I chose to be an English major, coming into your classes each day constantly reminds me of why I love this subject so much. You teach with such passion, and you’re always sure to take time to check that each and every one of your students understands the material you cover. Not to mention, you're one of the most intelligent people I've ever crossed paths with. You challenge me to think critically and to ALWAYS think outside of the box. Plus, I’ve learned crucial time-management skills from you that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. You may be one tough cookie, but that’s why you’re one of my favorites and why I’m so thankful to have you as a professor.
To the professor I’ve never actually met…
It’s a funny story, actually. You retired a number of years ago from my college, but you read my very first Odyssey article about my love for St. Thomas Aquinas College, and you came forth and wrote me a thoughtful letter all about your personal experiences that related to my article. And then we became like pen-pals! Even though I’ve never had you teach me in the classroom, the things I’ve learned from you are things I’d never trade for the world. You remind me about the power of my words and that there is no greater pleasure than writing an article simply because it provides others with something they can personally connect or relate to. You also taught me no matter what we do or where we go in life, people will always have something negative to say about our decisions—but we must do it with pride and prove them all wrong. Thank you for all of your advice and I’m looking forward to future letters!
To the professor who’s leaving…
When I found out you decided to leave and pursue teaching at a different college, I cried for a while. Heck, I’m still crying now as I write this. You’ve been such an important part of my college experience, and I don’t really have the words to describe how much you mean to me. But I want you to know how PROUD I am that you’re moving forward with a new job. You deserve nothing but the best! While you were my professor, you taught me all the things I could never learn by reading a silly textbook. With you, I produced some of the absolute best work I’ve ever written. YOU are the reason I found my voice, and the reason I built up the confidence to come forward and sign up for Odyssey. If it wasn’t for you reminding me that I should never let what other people say extinguish the fire inside of me, I certainly wouldn’t be where I am right now. I owe it all to you. I’ll never forget the long talk we had in your office, because that was one of the most inspirational and eye-opening conversations I’ve ever had. You’ve influenced me more than you’ll ever know. As you leave, many people may say, “oh, you’re so lucky to have had such a great group of students during your time at STAC!” but that’s not it at all. It is WE who were lucky to have YOU. I’m beyond honored that I had the distinct privilege of being one of the students who came through your door and learned so far beyond the boundaries of the classroom. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. Let’s stay in touch, okay?
With love, by Ari.