It is the month of October, and though some people may not know that means that it is pastors’ appreciation month. A whole month is dedicated to appreciating the pastor of the church. However, for me that pastor is my dad. Though we are not even half way through the month of October my family and I have been shown incredible love from out church. I am not just talking about material items but rather the act of showing that they love us and support us. In just these first ten days of pastors appreciation I have felt so overwhelmed with love that I wanted to take the time to return the appreciation back to my church, or rather my family.
Dear church,
Thank you for always being a safe place for me. I always know that I soon as walk through those church doors that I will be greeted with various smiles, hugs, and handshakes. Thank you for always making me feel important and welcomed. Thank you for always allowing me to be myself and to encourage me to go after the things that intimidate me. Thank you for all of the prayers that you have said over me during the years, even the ones that I did not know about. Thank you for taking the time to watch me grow up while holding my hand along the way.
Thank you for being a family for me. Thank you for listening to me and being interested in my life. Thank you for always being there for me at the drop of a text or call. Thank you for always lifting me up and always helping me to gain new perspectives. Thank you for letting me be a part of something that is much bigger than myself. Thank you for caring about the minuscule details of my everyday life.
Thank you for showing me that trust and integrity really does exist in the world and it is worth finding. Thank you for teaching me never to settle, but rather to take nothing less than what the Lord is trying to give me. I want to thank you for always being involved and showing me what passion looks like. Thank you for being my role model and my rock in this very unstable life.
Lastly, I want to thank you for the silly things. Thank you for sitting through my multiple Christmas plays and songs. Thank you for bringing me my favorite foods when I am sick. Thank you for letting me steal your children because they are just too darn cute. Thank you for always giving me jokes that make me smile for days.
Seriously, thank you for all of the remarkable love you all have shown my family and I. I know that we are forever grateful and could never thank you enough. I know I would not be who I am today without the love and guidance from my church. You’re a good good church. It’s who you are, It’s who you are!