There are a lot of people I would like to thank for getting me through obstacles in my life, but first, I want to start off by thanking my cat. (Yes, I said it, my CAT)
We’ve only been together for eight months, but adopting you was the single greatest choice I have ever made. In these past eight months, you have made so many accomplishments! You were so shy and scared for the first few months of getting to know me and everyone in my life but now I can’t even pee without you by my side. There are days when I wonder what life was like without you and I don’t really remember those days. Maybe they’re blocked out of my memory forever.
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You amaze me every day with how smart you are. Your little personality is the cutest. The way you get excited when you see that we're going for a car ride is even cute (Yes, my cat LOVES car rides!). I could stare at you sleeping for hours. I often wonder what you’re dreaming about, or what your life was like before me. I hope and pray that this life I am giving you is everything you dreamed of.
Thank you for waking me up at 6 a.m. after I miss my first five alarms by licking me, repeatedly, on the face until I wake up. Thank you for being so excited to see me come home after a long day. Thank you for being my napping partner. Thank you for watching countless hours of Netflix with me. Thank you for being by my side when I was studying. Thank you for being my cooking partner and helping me eat my dinner. Thank you (not) for making a mess and knocking everything over with your paw and making me clean six times a day sometimes. Thank you for being the smartest little badass you are. Thank you for saving me.
Love always,