I know that you don't know me, although you've met me. You probably don't remember me, considering you've met so many people throughout your life. I've been given the chance to get to know you over the past 18 years. I know you probably think I'm crazy. You have an 18-year-old writing a letter to you. But, this isn't fan mail. It's a thank you letter, for everything that you've done for me and family over the past 18 years. You've affected us all in one way or another, but there is one person who you've made the biggest influence on, and that person is my older brother.
I have an older autistic brother and ever since he was born he's always loved "Sesame Street." He can tell you anything and everything about it. He knows who sings what song, what the letter and number of the day is every day, and he even can recite lines to you from a movie that he loves. So as you can see, I've grown up with you my whole life, I've had countless amounts of dinners with you on the TV, I've sang and danced to all your songs (which I get stuck in my head constantly), and I've always watched how your singing (and counting) can put my brother in the best mood.
I've been going to "Sesame Place" ever since I was born, (yep, I've been going for 18 years), and let me say, I've never seen anyone get so excited about driving into a parking lot besides my brother. The joy that lights up on his face when we enter is absolutely amazing. Words cannot express the happiness I get, when I see his face light up as we walk into the park. My brother is someone who never asks for anything, but the one thing that he will ask for is a big hug and a picture that will last him years. Every time we visit the park this is always given to him and it's a moment I will always cherish.
I want to thank you for creating a friendship for my brother that I know he will always have. One that will never be judgmental of his disability, but one that will always bring out that absolute best in him and keep a smile on his face. You may not realize the impact you have on his life, but you've shaped him into this amazing person who I look up to, someone who will always be a hero to me, as you are to him.
Thank you for nothing but pure memories and happiness over the years. I'm glad that my brother chose you as his favorite (you were always mine as well).
Yours truly,
One grateful little sister