How often do we take the time to fully acknowledge and thank our best friends for all that they do? For me, it can never be often enough. Where on Earth would I be without her? I ask to myself while I'm driving home after spending the afternoon with her, operatically singing to our favorite songs and laughing until we are determined we burned enough calories through our hilarious conversations. Although life can get pretty busy and hectic at times we cannot disregard one of our biggest supporters. So here it goes! This is my thank you letter to my rock, my anchor, my partner in crime, my second counselor, and most of all my favorite person on Earth.
Dear Best friend,
First off, I'd like to thank you for your endless patience. No seriously! THANK YOU for listening to me with such careful attention during my incredibly pessimistic venting sessions. We all need to get those boulders off our shoulder's and it's very nice to know that I will always have you to help me put those boulders down even if it's only for a moment. Any moment of caring and sincere support means the world. Even if you don't always have the answer, it's comforting to know that I always have your shoulder to lean on in those frustrating situations.
Thank you for accepting me as I am. This is quite important to me as I tend to be a total goofball often times and have the tendency to say the cheesiest of phrases. Although you don't laugh ALL the time at my so called "dad jokes" (rolls eyes... they are not THAT bad), you always manage to crack a smile and reassure me that being myself is the most wonderful expression.
Thank you for ALWAYS being there. I could call you at two in the morning to tell you about a very strange dream I had and you would answer. You would also probably ask me how much coffee I've had earlier that day (No regrets!). I just want you to know that I don't take your timely responses for granted... especially since you are one of 'those' that have a thousand notifications, missed calls, and text messages. I feel very honored!
Perhaps the most important of things to be thankful for is your unconditional and undying love. Yes, love. I know that word is overused by most but I have never once doubted that there are many forms of love. The love that has blossomed from this friendship will leave its petals throughout my life. The love you have given me is a powerful treasure. A treasure that will forever be stored in my heart.... which is located in my chest. See what I did there? (Sorry I had too!)
I will end this letter by saying thank you for being you. Thank you for being my best friend. And thank you for sharing your USB cord in your car.
All the love!