For as long as I can remember, my agenda has been my soulmate. Not only that, but my partner in crime, my other half, my companion… pretty much my everything. But through it all – the words written in all caps in exasperation or panic, the pink and orange bursts of highlighter marker, the doodles, the check marks, the cross-outs, and the endless busy weeks – I have never thanked my soulmate for, well, for keeping me alive.
So, my dearest love, this one’s for you.
Thank you for giving me the space to be myself.
You’re so open and it fills me with joy whenever we spend time together; it completes me, and I know it completes you too. The more we do together, the fuller my life is.
Thank you for taking my anger in stride.
You never talked back, you never made an issue out of anything, and even when I would look at you and just want to scream, you maintained your calm, silent demeanor and steadied my emotions.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Whether it was reminding me that I actually couldn’t sleep in on Monday morning because I had work, or telling me not to forget to pack my dinner as I was about to walk out the door, you made sure that I didn’t let my frazzled mind get the best of me. Not even a superhero could do that, and I am eternally grateful.
Thank you for always being there.
I know that wherever I go in life, whatever I do, and whoever I become, I can always count on you to accompany me and support me along the way. You reassure me that I’ll never truly be alone, and your constancy and commitment energizes me in a way that I don’t even completely understand.
From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.
Just Another Busy Girl