To the Military Families,
Here is a little background information about me. My family is small. Most of my grandparents have passed away, I have no first cousins, and the larger side of my family lives six hours away from my immediate family. So obviously I never see them except for special occasions. But, my small family only exists today because someone in your small, or big family, gave up their time to protect my family.
I do not have anyone in my family that is currently in the military, so I have no idea how it feels to say goodbye to a loved one for months on end. I have no idea how it feels to look down at the table at your whole family on Thanksgiving Day and find that one chair empty because your son or daughter is overseas protecting our country. I have no idea of the heartache you feel when you lie alone awake at night longing to feel your husband's of wife's touch. I do not know how the disappointment feels after you come off the field into the dugout after scoring your first home run and your brother or sister isn't in the bleachers clapping and yelling your name along with the rest of your family. I do not know how it feels to not know if your loved one is safe and sound. I have known heartbreak, but I am not going to pretend I know how this kind of heartbreak feels. This is a different kind of heartbreak I am sure.
What I do know, though, is how thankful I am for your family's daily sacrifice. Every day, every month, every year, someone around this country we call "home" is saying goodbye to their loved one so they can go and protect our homeland. And I am in complete awe of those people and their families. You make the ultimate sacrifice. And I hope you know just how thankful I am for your courage and wisdom.
Since I have no one in the military, I do not know the sense of pride and joy you feel when you see your son or daughter coming toward you for the first time in six months. I do not know how the thrill of excitement feels when you are surprised by the unexpected homecoming of your husband or wife. I hope you know that even though I do not know you, I am proud to call your son or daughter a protector of the United States. I hope you know that I get so much joy from just watching your loved ones come home to your arms.
Thank you. Thank you so much for your sacrifices. You, along with your solider, are the heroes of this country. May God continue to bless each and every one of you.
From my small family to yours, Happy Memorial Day.
A Proud and Thankful American