I’d like to show my appreciation for all the men out there that are guardians, role models, protectors and heroes. Whether or not you are the biological father of a child, you deserve gratitude on this special day if you bring happiness, love and support to others lives. This holiday is about the qualities that make a man a dad, not the blood that makes a man a father. So if you show up, stand up and lift a child’s life up, then thank you, and Happy Fathers Day.
Now, I’d like to take this moment to acknowledge one very deserving man, my Papa
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Thank you…
For taking me on adventures and teaching me not to be afraid…
My life is filled with beautiful memories because of you. You taught me to catch frogs and fish and not to be scared of bugs and dirt. You taught me to swim, and saved me from drowning. You taught me to conquer irrational fears and enjoy nature. I love every memory of our hikes and excursions; I am now, and forever will be your “adventure girl.”
For brushing my hair…
I love mom dearly, and she has many talents, but we both know she wasn’t the most skilled with a brush and blow drier. For all the nights you saved me from her hairstyling, thank you! You taught me patience and gentleness in those comforting moments.
For teaching me to ride a bike and to drive a car…
Because of you, I have become a capable young woman. You knew just when to hold my hand tight, and when to let go. You have prepared me for a tough world while showing me its beauty.
For your generosity…
There is nothing in this world that you wouldn’t give for your children, your friends or your neighbors. You have shown me the value of selflessness. You work tremendously hard to make everyone around you happy. You make the kids next door laugh, you work overtime, you fix everything your kids break (even when you are exhausted) and you would give your last penny to someone if you saw them in need. We had everything we could have ever wanted because of you.
For encouraging me to chase my dreams…
You never make me feel silly for dreaming big. Whether I wanted to be a doctor or singer you made me feel capable and special. You push me to reach for the stars and you are always there to catch me if I fall. You support every aspiration with a kind smile and words of wisdom. Your calm attitude has kept me grounded on even the most stressful of days, and your strength has kept me motivated when I become tired. You are my number one cheerleader.
For making me feel safe…
You have taught me the value of a dollar and have instilled within me a hustler’s attitude. Seeing how vigorously you work, I have nothing but pride and gratitude. Although I have been earning my own money for years, you have always made me feel secure. I know that if I lost my job or quit tomorrow, you would be there to hold me on your strong shoulders. You have made it possible for me to pursue an education with the stability of a home. You are my superhero.
For faithfully loving my mom…
Not many children are fortunate enough to witness their parent’s passion and unconditional love every day. You are constantly making her laugh and smile. I can’t even count the times I have caught you dancing with her in the kitchen or living room. After 39 long beautiful years of marriage you still hold mom’s hand everywhere you go, and open up doors for her. You have shown me not only what a real man looks like, but that true love looks like happiness.
In this life, we often think that our actions go unnoticed because they are not thanked often enough. After reading this I hope you see how much you are loved and appreciated (and I wont apologize if your nose is flaring right now).
Happy Fathers Day