Whoever says tells you that you go to Chipotle way too much definitely does not understand the Chipotle experience. I honestly don't know what I did before there was a Chipotle near my house. Here are 11 reasons I have to thank Chipotle for everything it has done for my young self.
Thank you for being super delicious.
"Where should we go for dinner?" "CHIPOTLE." I crave Chipotle morning, noon, and night.
Thank you for giving a portion of the night's sales to a local fundraiser.
You are truly showing the community that you're more than just a Mexican restaurant.
Thank you for having the most delicious tortilla chips on the planet.
I don't know what it is, but don't even ask if I want chips with my burrito bowl. The answer will always be yes! They're so damn good.
Thank you for being a great place to go on a date.
You can't go wrong with planning a date at Chipotle.
Thank you for having a plethora of options.
Burrito bowls, tacos, quesadillas...the possibilities are endless. Yes, I get the same exact thing every time, but at least I know I have some options for when I'm feeling ambitious.
Thank you for being somewhat affordable for a college kid.
Yep, I'm on a budget; a college budget. I give you huge props for not being super expensive. Your prices are definitely worth it. All the fellow college kids out there thank you.
Thank you for always making me full and completely satisfied.
I will eat every last bit of my burrito bowl. After I leave Chipotle, I won't be hungry for hours. The food baby is real.
Thank you for having really interesting stories to read on your cups.
If you haven't read any of these, you're really missing out. They change often, but they actually are pretty good. If I have to sit in Chipotle by myself (most likely due to the fact that everyone says, "You were just there yesterday!) I usually read the two-minute stories on the cups and the take out bags.
Thank you for playing some super cool and trendy music.
I really have no idea what kind of music they play, or where it comes from, but it's so much better than listening to the Top 40 or country music. It's boppin'. Keep it up, Chipotle.
Thank you for teaching me how to have some patience.
The line for Chipotle is almost always out the door. I hate waiting for my food, but the wait is totally worth it.
Thank you for having the option to order online.
...because who wants to wait in that super long line? You can totally bypass it by ordering online. Your order will be ready and fresh when you arrive. Try it if you haven't!