A Thank You Letter To All Sports | The Odyssey Online
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A Thank You Letter To All Sports

Welcome to the game of life.

A Thank You Letter To All Sports

From my days spent practicing gymnastics to my last collegiate volleyball game of the season, sports have successfully trained me to master the game of life. Although I cannot say I was the best at all sports, each individual game has taught me valuable skills and contributed to my character as a whole. Without my successes and failures in sports, I would not be the person I am today. Considering all the time I have invested in training throughout my life, sports have played the biggest contribution to the individual I have become. And for this, I owe all sports a well-earned thank you.

Thank you for my competitiveness...

Because of you, I immediately turn into the most competitive person the moment I step on the court. But aside from that, I have become the most competitive person in the classroom and amongst my friends. Whether I'm playing board games with my family or engaged in a ping pong tournament with my friends, every day is a competition for me.

Thank you for my hunger...

In both a literal and metaphorical sense. You have made me hungry for excellence. I am constantly looking for ways to become not only a better player, but a better person. As a player of life, the game doesn't come easy, but my continual drive is derived from the hunger you have instilled within me on the court.

Thank you for my compassion for others...

Being a part of a team isn't always the easiest. Sports have allowed me to connect and interact with people I wouldn't have otherwise. For me, sports have created the ability to create chemistry among a group of people in order to succeed. And because of this, I now have a sense of compassion for everyone I encounter throughout my life.

Thank you for my dedication....

The number of hours spent training, lifting and practicing are unimaginable. But because of this, I am dedicated—dedicated to my myself, my team, my coaches and most importantly, my sport. Dedication allows me to make goals and focus on skills needed to succeed both on the court and in the classroom. Being a student-athlete is definitely a hard task, but dedication brings an indescribable work ethic needed to find a healthy balance between both.

Thank you for my relationships...

I think we can all agree when I say sports have created some of the best friendships we've ever had. Through the blood, sweat and tears, your teammates become more than friends; they become family. And through the adversities, you've all grown individually, but overcoming the obstacles together makes the bonds stronger than ever before. Although the countless hours you've spent together may drive everyone crazy, these are the unique relationships that are meant to last forever.

Thank you for my passion...

My love for the game is greater than another and because of you, I have developed an instant connection for those who share the same passion as me. Whether I am playing for recreation or playing in the NCAA tournament, my love for the game is always present. The moment I step off the court, my passion is transferred to different aspects of my life, whether it be towards my friends, my family or even my dogs.

Thank you for injuries...

Although I was more than devastated throughout all my injuries and recovery processes, you have taught me patience. And in the world of sports, patience is the key to the game. Without patience, I wouldn't be able to take the correct amount of time to not only recover properly, but also learn the skills necessary to return to the game. Patience is more than useful in the real world and as we all know, everything will happen in due time.

Thank you for the losses...

Losing can be tough, especially when you know you gave it your all. But these losses have opened doors for opportunity and created my drive for improvement. Losses have taught me several lessons, both mentally and physically. But even when I lose, I'm still winning.

Thank you for the victories...

And in the end, we all come out victorious. Whether you win the national championship or improved overall throughout the season, you've still won. The feeling after a win is definitely one of the best in the world and celebrating with your team creates the best memories. These are the times in our lives we'll look back on and smile. These victories are the stories we'll tell and the legacies we'll leave behind.

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