A Thank You Letter, To All My Sorority Sisters
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A Thank You Letter, To All My Sorority Sisters

Without all of you I would be lost.

A Thank You Letter, To All My Sorority Sisters

There are so many good times and hard times that happen your first year in college. Thankfully for me I had the most amazing group of friends there to support me and help guide me through my freshman year. I wouldn't have been able to do it without all of my friends and most importantly, my sisters. I never knew what a great impact joining a sorority would have on me. So here's to all my sisters, because without them I would be lost. Thank you all so much, I love you all more than you know.

1. For giving me a home away from home

I moved to school not knowing anyone here, and hoping that I would find my place on campus. I never imagined that I would gain so many lifelong friends. I was living in a new place where I didn't know anyone, and hundreds of miles away from my family. Luckily I found a family with all of you and for that I am forever grateful. You have given me a home here, and I will never be able to thank you all enough for that. Thank you for making me not so homesick, because I have all of you.

2. For teaching me

From right after receiving my bid when you taught me how to throw our sign, to sitting in the library teaching me political science theories--I would be lost without you guys. Thank you so much for helping me in my classes or helping me learn about our sisterhood. You all have taught me so much. I grew up having a younger brother so I knew what it was to be a sister, but I never knew what it was like to have a sister. So thank you for teaching me what it means to have a sister and to be a part of a true sisterhood.

3. For always being down to go get food

I will always cherish our lunch dates when we take up all the tables at Pieology, to after meeting at overrunning Panera. Without you guys who would I go on a doughnut run at 3 a.m. with? The Dining Commons food is horrible, so without you all I would probably starve to death because I hate going out to eat by myself and the dining hall is just not a option.

4. For helping me when I'm down

When I'm feeling homesick, having boy issues, or struggling through a class you guys were always there to help. Thank you for listening to me rant and keeping me sane. The stress of balancing everything can get you all of us sometime, so thank you for being there for me when that happens. Without you all I would probably have had a mental breakdown by now.

5. For putting up with me when I'm tired

I'm the first to admit that I can turn into a not so nice person when I'm tired. So thank you for putting up with me when that happens. Whether I was up all night working on a philanthropy or studying for a test, thank you for getting me through it.

6. For introducing me to my big

My big has been my best friend and I wouldn't know what to do without her. I could write a whole essay on how much I love my big but I'll save that for another time, for now I just want to thank the chapter that brought me to her. To the sisters who brought us together, to my new member "mom" for helping me get close to her, I am forever thankful.

7. Holding me to a higher standard

Even when I'm not sure if I can do something, you all hold me to a higher standard and push me to believe in myself. You guys have all helped me grow so much and I owe you all so much for that.

8. Staying up all night crafting with me

The amount of times i've spent awake until five in the morning painting a flag for Greek Week, coolers for a philanthropy, gifts for my big, or gifts for the Sammies seem countless. So this is a shout out to all the sisters who have helped me craft into the night.

9. For motivating me

Our hiking sisterhoods at Mt. Charleston and Red Rock were the first times I had been to either of those places. Being new to the area, I had never been but you guys motivated me to go. Not only that, but after that sisterhood I had a sister motivating me to go to the gym with her and so I have to thank that sister for always being my cheerleader. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym, but she motivated me to go with her and now I enjoy going!

10. Being my role models

I look up to so many of you, and this year you have become some of my biggest role models. So thank you for showing me the way, helping me navigate through the craziness of freshman year, and showing me what it means to be a true sister.

11. Living in the library with me during finals week

There were so many of us studying in the library before finals that we took up two of the large tables in the group study room and still had sisters sitting around at other tables scattered throughout the library. We were all way too sleep deprived, but we got eachother through it. So thank you for keeping me sane when I hadn't slept in days, and for all the good luck texts before going into finals.

12. For helping me realize my potential

Coming into freshman year I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do, and you guys helped me discover that path. Being a part of this chapter has helped me grow in so many ways that I can't even begin to describe to you all. I will neve be able to thank you guys enough for that.

13. For exposing me to the Autism Speaks community

I would be lying if I said that before joining this chapter I knew a lot about the Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, through joining this chapter I have been introduced to such an amazing organization. This chapter taught me what struggles those affected by the Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families go through, and has introduced me to such an amazing worthwhile cause. Since being introduced to this organization through this amazing chapter, I have taken an internship this summer working with children affected by many different disorders, some of which being those affected by autism.

14. For exposing me to so many other amazing philanthropic causes

Not only did I learn so much about Autism Speaks and that community, but I was also exposed to so many other amazing philanthropic causes through our chapter participating in other organizations philanthropies. This was really important to me because we got to help raise money and awareness for so many different causes that I never would have known about or participated in if it weren't for this chapter.

15. For bringing me into this chapter

Words cannot describe how honored I am to be part of such an amazing organization. The day I got my bid was one of the happiest days of my life. You guys have given me a life-long family and I can never thank you guys enough for that. I am so so grateful to be a part of this sisterhood, and I love you all so much.

16. For making my wardrobe so much cuter

I swear over half my closet is sorority shirts and dresses, and it's the best thing ever. I love that whenever I go to my closet it's full of different philanthropy shirts, recruitment tops, stitched letters, or our adorable date night shirts in the picture above. Wearing our letters is such a honor that I cherish, and I love that I get to represent our chapter whenever I put those letters on. Also because of formal meetings every Sunday, I now have an unusual amount of cute sun dresses, business attire, and semi-formal dresses. My fashion sense has grown so much since joining this chapter, so thank you all for that!

17. For giving me a community

Our greek life is very close compared to other schools, and we have a type of community on campus that is pretty special. I am so happy that I can walk through campus and recognize people from every organization. Being able to be a part of a commmunity at our school means so much to me. More than that, you have given me a community across the nation. I know that wherever I travel there is a chance I may run into a sister there, or that we could have a chapter at a campus nearby. I love that no matter where I go I can likely find sisters close by.

18. For helping me get closer to other chapters as well as our own

While I have grown close to other chapters on our campus, nothing can compare to the amazing bonds and sisterhood that I share with all of you. However, I have to thank you guys for introducing me to these amazing people from every other organization. Through socials, Greek Weeks, and homecoming I have made great friends in almost every organization on campus and I have you all to thank for that. In particular I was lucky enough to be awarded the title of "Best New Sammy Girl" this year, and that wouldn't have been possible without the support of my sisters.

19. For all our adventures

There are so many good times shared with you all from music festvals, to road trips, to shopping adventures downtown. Adventuring is one of my favorite things to do, and it is so much better with all my sisters by my side.

20. For all the random pictures together

Because who else would I take cute pictures with in the magic stairwell?

21. For loving me unconditionally

This last year has been a roller coaster for me and no matter what I was going through you guys were always by my side. Most importantly, you accepted me for who I am. I see too many times when people are forced to conform into something they are not, but you guys never did that. You love me for the person I am--the good and the bad--and that's something I'm forever grateful for. I love you guys more thank words can describe. Thank you for bringing me into such an amazing sisterhood, and for loving me for who I am.

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