To my teacher who always thinks of others first,
Thank you. I don't know how you do it. Honestly. I think of how hard you work, and I am just amazed. You put in time for every student you have, those who walk by you in the hallways, even the parents who complain all the time about the education quality their children are receiving.
My dad is a teacher, so I know the horror stories that come with the job title of "educator." You deal with so much in a year. From lesson plans, to ARD/IEP conferences, to never ending grades, to long days and annoying kids, you really do do it all. You are the hidden superhero.
Some days I can tell when you are done with practically everything. I can tell that you are really struggling, and you feel like everything you do just isn't worth it. But I just want to tell you that it is worth it.
I walk into the classroom, and there you are with a smile on your face, and because of that, it gives me strength. You help me when I am stressed out about not having a high grade. You help not just me, but all your students, find how a little patience and fortitude go a long way. You show us that sometimes life isn't just about how you add and subtract numbers, but how you count the many joys and memories that you pass by.
Thank you for putting in the effort that so many others are not willing to do.