Dear Step Parent,
I don't think I could ever say "thank you" enough times to truly show you how much I appreciate you. Some people aren't as lucky as I am in the step parent department, and I can't even imagine what that would be like. And that's because of you, and how absolutely amazing and wonderful you are. I know it's not easy being a step parent, so thank you.
Thank you for treating me like one of your own. I personally don't like to call you a step parent, because that's not a word that comes close to describing our relationship. I've never questioned your love for me, and I really can't thank you enough for that. It's hard for me to picture where I would be in life without you in the picture, and frankly -- I don't really want to.
Thank you for being patient. I was very skeptical of you at first. It took me a while to get over my parents getting divorced, and having another parent figure come into the picture is never easy. Still, you gave me my space and understood that I didn't want to be best friends right away. It didn't take long before I was discussing movies, books, politics, and pretty much everything else under the sun with you. That's because you made it so easy. You're a wonderful person inside and out, and I'm really glad you took your time getting to know me.
Thank you for not taking the place of my other parent. You fully understand that my relationship with my other parent is important, and have never tried to replace them. I hear about so many people who have crazy, manipulative step parents. I can't thank you enough for being so respectful of me and my other parent, and for being so supportive.
Thank you for being there for me. You're always been there when I need advice, someone to lean on, another opinion, and so much more. Having two parents that are there for me is amazing, but having double the parents to support me is more than I could ever ask for. I'm blessed beyond measure, and so thankful for you.
Thank you for loving my parent the way you do. After my parents got divorced, it left me with many questions about love, and if it was even real. Then you came into our lives and showed me that it definitely is. You taught me that just because it doesn't work out the first time doesn't mean it never will with someone else. It's such an important lesson to learn, especially after your parents divorce.
Being in a non-traditional family hasn't been nearly as bad as they make it out to be. Step parents aren't part of the plan in traditional families. Because of that very fact, I'm very, very glad that I'm not part of society's idea of a picture perfect family. There's really no such thing, but I think mine comes pretty close. Thanks to you.
Your Step Daughter