As the countdown to Thanksgiving break that at one point seems endless now continues to tick closer and closer to the final day, college students everywhere are preparing to make their triumphant homecoming. For me this homecoming will be marked with watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, endless amounts of stuffing, and cramming around the kids table at family dinner where someone will know doubt ask everyone to say what they are most thankful for. Although I am looking forward to all of these traditions, the highlight of my Thanksgiving will know doubt be reuniting with my two best friends. The word "best-friends" doesn't really seem to fit, as from the time these two have entered my life they have been more like sisters. We have seen each other through the best times, the worst times, and most importantly have grown into the people we are today together. Since leaving high school it has become increasingly difficult to remain in constant contact, as we have all now started separate journeys away from our hometown, but when beginning to think what I am most thankful for these two wonderful souls do not get enough credit from me for all they do.
Thank you for letting me be my complete self: It takes me so long for me to come out of my shell and feel comfortable talking to people, let alone actually being myself, but with you two I can always be my (somewhat crazy) true self. Thank you for letting me do my stitch impersonations, understanding my constant need for diet coke, enjoying the holidays as much as I do (or at least attempting to), and letting me ramble on and on about Elf (because we all know I secretly am an elf)
Thank you for all the memories: When we are all together, it is literal insanity. We make some crazy decisions but the most important part is we make them together. If all else fails at least we will always know we will have some stories to tell our kids one day on those squad trips to Disney World THAT WE BETTER ACTUALLY HAPPEN.
Thank you for adopting me into your families: I not only love the two of you... but your families are truly wonderful. I so appreciate and cherish our Christmas Eve Church celebrations and "family" dinners at Passariello's and Franco's. It is no wonder where you guys get your caring hearts from.
Thank you for always responding to my crazy phone calls and text messages: When I'm contemplating life at 2 a.m, the first people I think of calling are the two of you. I know if there's any chance y'all are awake, (or awakened by them), your voices will soon be on the other end fully prepared for any and all situations including, talking, laughing, crying, screaming, or usually all of the above
Thank you for never judging me: I honestly can not thank you ladies enough for your constant and unconditional support of me. Even when you know I am probably not making the smartest decision, you never judge, and always let me figure it out. Even when everything falls to pieces, you never say "I told you so", and instead help me pick up those pieces and rebuild again.
Thank you for being you: Sincerely I don't think I could ask for two more amazing girls to have as my ride or dies, Even though we may fight at times there is no one else I would rather do it with. Y'all are smart, kind, beautiful girls and it kills me that you guys often see nothing but your own faults, while you are quick to point out positive qualities in me. NEWSFLASH: YOU GUYS ARE BOTH AMAZING
So as I eagerly await our upcoming reunion, it gives me the perfect opportunity to truly realize how thankful I should be for the two of you. Through all of our movie dates, emergency meetings at Starbucks, car rides (of course Jess is driving), weekend trips, and all the three way calls and group messages you both have played such a role in helping me become the person I am today. It is for this that I am eternally grateful, and am so excited to see where life takes us all, knowing that one thing is certain: you will always be my soul sisters.