Dear Sonic,
On this past June 23, you turned 25 years old. I cannot believe you have been running into many video gamer hearts for so long. You sure ran into mine. I could write about all the good memories I have of you like playing your games, and talking to my friends for hours and hours about how amazing you are. However, I just want to say thank you.
Sonic, you and your series helped me shape who I have become today. I was only twelve years old at the time, and by clicking on a YouTube video by chance, I fell in love. You were my first fandom, really. I never knew what a fandom was before watching your shows and playing your games. I had no idea that you could join websites like DeviantArt and collaborate with people who like the same things as you. Because of you, I am one of the biggest nerds on the planet, and I could not be more happy with that.
You helped span my horizons when it came to video games. Your show, Sonic X, also helped me branch into anime. What is great about you is that your stories carry into many different platforms.
I would have no idea what if would feel like to have an OTP (overall top pairing) without you and Amy Rose. Without you, I would have never written fanfiction and discover my love of writing. I have so much to owe you, even though you are simply a video game character. However, I know I am not the only one who has been affected by your games.
Your games touched the lives of my brothers and close friends. I remember watching your show, Sonic X, online. I loved the adventures you and your friends, Tails Prower, Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose went on. I was enthralled by the fights you got yourself into, especially with your notorious foe, Dr. Eggman. The rival between you and Shadow the Hedgehog was interesting to watch over the years and so has your relationships. Did I mention how much I loved you and Amy together?
Anyway, despite all your weird story lines and game play over these past years, I am thankful that I have gotten to know you. From saving woodland creatures to saving the world countless times, you are a hero. You were Sega's rival to Nintendo's Mario. Now Mario may be a little more well known, but you are an equal to him to me.
Most of all, you taught me a great amount of patience. Your fan base can be a very toxic place because so many people have different ideas of who you should be with, or if they prefer the classic Sonic games rather than the modern games. I have had to keep my head on many debates, and I had to deal with haters. I came out a stronger person though.
I am not as obsessed with your games and story as I once was. I moved on to other fandoms, but you will always have a special place in my heart. Your game series was my first fandom after all. Thank you, Sonic the Hedgehog, thank you.