To the best RA, anyone can have,
I want to thank you for being so welcoming the first week of college. Move-in day was chaotic and I felt overwhelmed, but you took the time to introduce yourself and let me know you are here for literally anything I ever need. You made it so much easier for me to adjust to college life with your welcoming, warm-hearted spirit.
Thank you for all the times you said "hey" to me in passing. No, we don't best buds and our schedules are both crazy but thank you for never being stuck up. I know that I can count on you to say hey and ask how I’m doing, even if it’s in passing. You may not realize it, but on rough days, it really means a lot to me—even if it's a simple smile.
Thank you for always holding me accountable and for making me clean my room. I forget how nice it looks when it’s truly clean sometimes, especially when I have a ton of exams. The cleanliness of my room is the last thing on my mind when I have an 8 A.M. Anatomy exam. Thank you for holding me accountable spiritually as well. When you asked how God was working in my life lately, especially after my mission’s trip, it helped me reevaluate and remember that I don’t have to be in a foreign country for God to use me in mighty ways.
Lastly, thank you for not only talking the talk but also walking the walk when it comes to your relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. When you share your love of Jesus in hall meetings, it’s clear that it is the way you live your life. You lead Bible studies and use your God given talents for his glory. It is easy to say that you are a Christian, but you show that you are in everything you do. Even though there are lost girls on our hall, you show them the love of Christ and who He is through your words and actions. You’re a great example of what a Godly woman should be—even when it comes to your love life. You keep Christ first and everyone and everything else second.
I don’t tell you as often as I should, but thank you for who you are and how the Lord used you to minister to my life. I am thankful that God placed you as my RA for my freshman year. From venting to you about life to your prayers for my family during difficult times, I can’t begin to explain the appreciation I have for you. I love you so much and I pray that the Lord continues to use you in all that He sees fit throughout your life.
The girl at the end of the hall