Beth & Krystal,
I am abundantly thankful for you and everything you do- you guys gave me the greatest gift I could have ever received- Ralph and Patience. You guys met me in VERY different stages of my life, but the day I got gifted with each dog was easily two of the greatest days of my life.
You guys will always be a part of our family, even when my furry friends are only a part of our heart. You have guided me just as much as my dog has. You guys have shown me that I have more strength and love to give than I ever thought was possible. You’ve shown me just how selfless and giving you are. Your strength inspires me, because without you my life would be much, much harder.
When I got Ralph, I was eight years old, and as fearless as they come. Ralph showed me that it’s okay to take a step back. Ralph was perfect for me in every single way, but without his amazing puppy raiser, I would’ve never met him, and I would’ve never had the joy he brought me.
Although losing Ralph was one of the toughest times of my life, the joy he brought me in the ten short years I had him, greatly outweighs the heartache that comes after.
When I got Patience, I was nineteen, and a lot more subtle and shy. Patience showed me that showing some sass [every once in a while] is okay. Patience is my perfect for me in every way, because life has changed and so have my needs.
Even though my dogs mean the world to me, it wouldn’t be possible without their wonderful, amazing puppy raisers, Beth and Krystal.
At the end of team training we just told, “Just because they raised the puppy, doesn’t mean your adding a new member to your family.” I call bull. From the second I got matched with each dog, I knew their puppy raiser would be just as much of a part of my life as my new helper was.
Meeting someone with these circumstances is intimidating, especially when your taking away a fur baby they love very much, but though the tears, an unbreakable relationship is born.
Graduation day is a day we both look forward to, and it makes the struggle of being away from home for weeks seem like nothing. The puppy raisers gets to see their baby graduate “college” and we get to meet the person that has cheered us on long before they even knew who we were.
Thank you for loving my dogs long before I ever knew them and to continue to love them throughout their lives (and long after). Thank you for loving me. Thank you for doing one of the most selfless things imaginable and giving away your furry child. Thank you for adopting me into your family. But most of all, thank you for being you