Dear Orientation Leader,
Frantic families, humid weather and a whole school full of strangers but most of all a feeling of uncertainty -- this is what orientation weekend was for me. It was bunch of not knowing what was next.
I found my orientation group after some awkward moments. I do not remember all the name games we did during the weekend, but what I do remember is the passion you put into every single thing that you did, even if it were not the most exciting thing in the world.
Orientation weekend came to pass and you were the Teachers Assistant for my LAR-101 class. Thanks for putting up with my antics in the class and to this day. You answered all the stupid questions a freshman has and there are many, mostly pertaining to English professors and Greek life.
Going into college, all I knew was that I wanted to Major in English, but the uncertainty of my future was creeping into my mind. I came to know you were also a English major but you wanted to become a teacher, a figure who wants to enlighten the next generation.
Eventually your enthusiasm and passion for teaching rubbed off on me and I now aspire to be not just another teacher but the best teacher I can be.
You even gave me the chance to be in your student-directed play and gave me confidence within my acting skills that stick with me to this day. I want to thank you for doing this because after this we became even better friends.
You were also there for me during Greek week, although I could not exactly communicate with you as I normally could; the eye contact was enough to push me through the week. Again, you are an instiller of confidence in those around you, which is why you will be an excellent teacher.
We endured one of the most intriguing classes I have taken thus far at Doane in Modern Literature. I don't know if I could have survived that class without you.
You are going into your senior year at Doane, going into your student teaching semester. This semester might be challenging for you but i know you will not survive but thrive in student teaching. If you ever need someone to talk to throughout this challenging period in your life- you know I am just a call or text away.
I never knew someone I met during the first weekend of college would have this profound of an impact on my life. For those want to be Orientation Leaders and for those that are currently Orientation Leaders take note. Freshmen are very impressionable, the impact you make on them can set the tone for the rest of their college carear.
I was lucky enough to have an Orientation Leader that just happened to turn out to be one of my best friends.
Austin Plourde