Dear Mom,
Thank you for being my mother, my hero, my confidant, and my best friend.
I know I haven’t always made it easy on you, and if I’m being perfectly honest, I probably never will (sorry!). But at the end of the day, I know that as frustrated as you may get with me, you will still love me, and I cannot tell you how much that means to me.
You have supported me in every decision I’ve made (even the ones you didn’t agree with and were probably right about), and you have been there to help every time things went wrong. I have never felt completely alone in the world, and I have you to thank for that.You have taught me to be strong, independent, and confident, and to stand up for what I believe in. You are always straightforward and honest with me, and while I sometimes get mad at you for being my harshest critic, I know you are just trying to make me a better person and that you’re still my biggest fan. You push me to go out of my comfort zone, and are always there for advice when I don’t know what to do. I know I can come to you with anything, because, as much as I hate to admit it, moms really do know best (and, no I will not be saying that again for a while). But don’t worry, you’re way better than all the rest of the moms.
I know I give you a hard time about some of the horrible clothes you dressed me in as a child (I mean, seriously?) and how you had a blackberry all the way up to 2015, and I may giggle every time you don’t understand how to use your phone or try to say something that the “kids these days” are saying, but behind it all, I respect you more than anything.
So, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for never bringing up my awkward middle school phase. Thank you for teaching me how to dress myself and still being there for outfit advice, even now that I’m in college. Thank you for giving me the strength to always be myself, and to like who that is. Above all, thank you for being you. I don’t know where I would be in life without that.
Love you forever,
Your admiring daughter