Oh where to begin…. Well momma, thank you for being exactly who you are. Thank you for not only being my mom, but also my best friend. Thank you for loving me so well and so right. Thank you for making life fun and joyful constantly. Thank you for always having my back, even when I’m the one that is wrong. Thank you for giving me grace on the days that I am the queen of sass (almost every day). Thank you for going to Cracker Barrel with me sometimes multiple times a day. Thank you for showing me the times when I screw up, but not making me feel like a screw up. Thank you for teaching me the Golden Rule and the importance of respect. Thank you for loving Grey’s Anatomy and Lost just as much as I do. Thank you for constantly reminding me that God has a plan for my life, even when I feel like it is falling apart. I could go on and on forever with an endless amount of thank you’s to you. Thank you for that.
You embody every quality of the human I want to be. Just to name a few…. You are persistent and you strive to get exactly what you want. You have shown me that I have to work to succeed, and that if I do, I can become anything. You are absolutely hilarious and never fail to make everyone laugh. You are empathetic and caring and you have taught me what true love for others is. You have shown me that you can affect so many peoples lives, just by the way you treat them. You are spontaneous and you never fail to surprise me. You show me that life is for living and not just existing.
I hope you know that I am who I am because of you. Whenever people tell me that I am smart, mature, respectful, kind, beautiful, or anything else, know that you did that. You made me who I am. They way you loved me and raised me over the years is exactly the way I want to raise my children and my children’s children. The best compliment anyone can give me is saying that I am an exact reflection of you. That is what I strive for, to be just like my momma. The fact that you have been through so much, and are still so amazing and successful is so inspirational to me. You show me daily that life is full of overcoming hardships and moving on. Anytime I struggle, I think of how you would pursue the situation and I get through it. You are the best thing about life and I am so beyond blessed to call you my mom.
I love you to the moon and back always. Love your baby girl.