Even if you’re not a “theatre person,” by now you have to have heard about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash hit, "Hamilton: An American Musical," which is the biggest thing to happen to Broadway since Barbra Streisand.
Hamilton has changed so many things, not only about theatre, but also about the world. By writing a hip-hop musical about Alexander Hamilton – first Treasury Secretary, immigrant, aide to George Washington, adulterer, Revolutionary War general, cunning politician, dueler, and so much more – starring POC as white politicians while discussing the race, gender, and class struggles of the day (which greatly mirror our struggles of today), Lin-Manuel Miranda has done the impossible: He has shown the young people of America (especially young POC) that no matter your race, religion, or creed, you can do anything you put your mind to. America is truly the land of opportunity, and here is where you can be whomever you want.
“America, you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me! You let me make a difference, a place where even orphaned immigrants can leave their fingerprints and rise up!”
As a young white woman in a middle class family, people usually don’t understand my strong emotional attachment to "Hamilton." But this show speaks to me on a deeply emotional level for two main reasons.
One is gender. As a 20-year-old woman studying engineering, it’s hard to not feel put down by the boys because I’m not “one of them.” It’s easy to feel small, insignificant, and pushed to the side because I’m considered “less than.” But characters like the Schuyler sisters encourage me to fight for my right to speak in groups, to be a leader, to exist as a woman in my own capacity. Angelica has taught me that just because conventional routes of expression are often blocked to women (whether it’s the 18th or the 21st century), that doesn’t mean I can’t forge my own path and be heard. And Eliza has shown me that kindness and forgiveness are not signs of weakness, but signs of an internal strength I can only hope to possess one day.
“’We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, I’mma compel him to include women in the sequel. Work!”
The second is my ability to stand up for what I believe in. When Alexander Hamilton presented his debt plan (obviously in a flawless rap battle with Thomas Jefferson, like one does), he knew it was going to be an uphill battle. He knew that he would have to fight tooth and nail to be heard. He was going up against established Virginian politicians who knew how to get what they wanted. And who was Hamilton? An immigrant from the West Indies that came to the colonies with nothing but a dream to change the world. Guess what? He did. His debt plan ultimately went through and he singlehandedly shaped our financial system. If he can do all of that, who’s to say I can’t do anything I put my mind to? Hamilton (and, by proxy, Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote this game-changing musical) has inspired me to follow my dreams, even if they aren’t the popular choice.
“Alexander Hamilton, when America sings for you, will they know what you overcame? Will they know you rewrote the game? The world will never be the same…”
So thank you,"Hamilton." Thank you for showing me that my gender does not define me. Thank you for allowing me to dream impossible dreams.
And thank you for showing me the resilience of the Revolutionary warriors, and showing me that that strength is inside of me. Thank you for showing me the patience of Aaron Burr juxtaposed with the fiery reactions of Alexander Hamilton to show me that balance is important. Thank you for the quietness of Eliza and the outspokenness of Angelica to show me that femininity is not a cookie-cutter quality.
“There’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait!”
Thank you.