Growing up as the youngest child was never easy, however, growing up as a family with a half sister and half brother was even harder. My mother had my older brother from a previous marriage, while my father had my older sister from a previous relationship as well. As these two love birds met, had me, and got married, they formed the most beautiful family a person could ask for. As hard as it was to live in a blended family, I look back and realize that they taught me much more than I could have ever imagined.
1)Â Thank you for Teaching Me About Acceptance
While growing up in a blended family, it is very easy for relationships to go south as the children or families may not accept each other. But for me, this was very different. My brother, sister, and I never made each other feel as if we weren't full blooded siblings. This went for our extended family as well, as each side took in their newest cousin, niece/nephew, or grandchild. My siblings have always loved me for me, and because of this I am a better person.
2) Thank You for Teaching Me To Value Someone's Time
One of the hardest parts of living with half siblings is having to see them go and spend time with their other family. Many times I would find myself crying because of how much I missed my sibling, but I later learned that you really don't value a person's time until they're gone. Because of the constant back and forth to homes, I realized that I needed to appreciate every second of anyone's time, especially my siblings.
3) Thank You For Understanding How Hard It Was to Be Alone Sometimes
Because I was younger when my siblings left to visit their other families, I never truly understood why they had to leave and why I couldn't go with them, leading me to be frustrated on various occasions. However, my siblings always seemed to understand as they took every second they could to be with me and spend their time with me. Whether it was my brother teaching me how to play softball or my sister taking me on mall runs, they always understood that them leaving was hard on me and always took advantage of the time we had.
4) Thank You For Being My Lifelong Best Friends
Finally, thank you for always being my best friends. To this day, I always know I can confide in you for anything. The years we've spent crying, laughing, playing games, making fun of our parents, and of course, making fun of each other, made us closer than ever. The moment our parents met and got married was the moment we became lifelong best friends and a family that I will always cherish.